Sounds, exciting, you guys. My science teacher has a ten gallon fish tank with 4 guppies.2 of the guppies are Red Tuxedo Guppies, I believe. I'm doing Video Productions 2nd semester, can't wait to be on the morning annoucements!!
Lucky you guys have Honors. I had honors last year, and the year before, and the year before. Hmmmm.... I wonder how I exceeded on the Writing&Math AIMS (state test), but I met on the Reading... I stink! My English teacher is making us write a personal narrative most of the kids are like: "AHHHHH... what do we do? What's a narrative?"
Arrggggg... I need to boost my grades up quick so I could get into honors, I don't want to do review.
Oh yeah.. that's not too exciting:getting soaked in the rain. Can't believe they would make you do that. Right now, it's too hot to run the track, so they're making us do the Pacer test in the gym. It seems easy, but once you do many laps, it burns your throat out...