Large showcase aquarium for goldfish

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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to get some preliminary information. When I move home from school I plan on purchasing a very large (125+gallon) aquarium which will possibly house some goldfish.

Since I've enjoyed planted tanks in the past, I'd like to know if there are any hardy plants that will survive goldfish and low-medium light conditions?

Just curious. I'll probably post this over at the Plant forum as well and broaden my horizon as far as replies are concerned.

Thank you very much
Well, cabomba might work, Are you sure want to set up a 125 for goldfish thouhg? I mean, there are alot of cool fishwhy gold fish?
lljdma06 said:
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to get some preliminary information. When I move home from school I plan on purchasing a very large (125+gallon) aquarium which will possibly house some goldfish.

Since I've enjoyed planted tanks in the past, I'd like to know if there are any hardy plants that will survive goldfish and low-medium light conditions?

Just curious. I'll probably post this over at the Plant forum as well and broaden my horizon as far as replies are concerned.

Thank you very much

Java moss, and maybe fern would survive in low light conditions in a neutral PH goldie tank. Amazon Swords maybe too, but, I can't remember if they need strong lighting or not :*)

a tank big enough for 12 goldies though??? :drool:
Is it going to be for common goldfish or fancy gldfish?
commons grow to a foot in length and will need around 25 gallons per fish to see it through to adult life. Fancy types dont need so much room and you could get away with 10 gallons each.
As for plants if its going to be cold water then the plants you can grow are all going to be eaten by the fish.
If its going to be near the bottom end of tropical temperature then the java fern will do okay and broad leaved plants.
It's going to be hit and miss really and experiment with different types.

The most important thing with goldfish is that they are really messy fish and will need filtration 10 times the tank capacity.

Good luck with your tank i'm sure it will look nice with goldies.
Well in response to everyone. Everybody in my neighborhood keeps saltwater or large cichlids, so I would be the different one. B) Goldfish aren't as popular and are mostly overstocked in small tanks, which is very sad.

I wouldn't be keeping the fat-bodied types, I like the more stream-lined varieties, which a 125+ gallon tank would be better for. I plan on buying it much longer than deep, so they have space to swim. I'd actually like them to grow quite a bit, so I probably wouldn't have more than four or five. If I could, I would have a pond, but the neighborhood cats are vicious, and our mosquito problem is already large enough without me contibuting a large body of water! :D Besides, I've gotten so used to seeing my fish from the side and interacting with them, that my old ticker couldn't take the separation with a pond. :(

I like the idea of water Lilys, but seeing that these goldfish would probably jump, my tank would be covered.

I currently have 2 goldfish in a 45-gallon, but they've been pets for 5 years and have grown quite a bit. I guess using a filter for an 80-gallon tank was a good thing. :nod: I'd like to give them a new good home. I would probably use seed gravel from that tank and possibly the sponge from their filter to give the new tank a headstart for cycling.

I would be open to considering different lighting options, and I've also posted in the plant forum just to cover my bases. I think that the end result, with patience, would be absolutely stunning. I have plenty of time, and over a year to plan this out, so getting opinions now would be awesome. I thank the people who have written so far.

Anybody here keep goldfish or koi with plants and still have plants? :p
we got water lillies ion the pond and that oxygen plant :lol: .. don't no what its caled tho :lol:
my water lilly is still alive just (although a bit chewed) the water hyacynth is still doing well but the fish decamated the water lettuce and water soldier

the oxygenating plants are still doing well but i havent seen the bottom of the pond for a few months(green water) so im not sure :dunno:
Just FYI ... There would be no mosquito problem in your pond if there are fish in the water. For the fish would feed on the mosquito before it even had a chance to lay any eggs and if did lay eggs they would surley be eatin for breakfast, lunch and dinner by the fish. :D ......~`~``~_/)

For example a buddy of mine lived with his inlaws who had an old pool in the back yard that was half full of water with all kinds of mosquitos growing. Made me itch just looking at them. So I sugggested that we go to the local fish store and get a few dollars worth of feeder goldfish to put in there. And we did just that and the feeder started feeding right away. They were all fat before I left the place. I then went back a few days later and the goldfish were even fatter and the mosquito problem was under control. Even the inlaws were happy and they even liked looking at the fish swim. That was the last time I saw them but I bet those fish are huge now living in the old pool....So there ya go, some testament to the pond /mosquito problem.....~``~~_/)
FisHmAn_SwiMMin said:
Just FYI ... There would be no mosquito problem in your pond if there are fish in the water. For the fish would feed on the mosquito before it even had a chance to lay any eggs and if did lay eggs they would surley be eatin for breakfast, lunch and dinner by the fish. :D ......~`~``~_/)

For example a buddy of mine lived with his inlaws who had an old pool in the back yard that was half full of water with all kinds of mosquitos growing. Made me itch just looking at them. So I sugggested that we go to the local fish store and get a few dollars worth of feeder goldfish to put in there. And we did just that and the feeder started feeding right away. They were all fat before I left the place. I then went back a few days later and the goldfish were even fatter and the mosquito problem was under control. Even the inlaws were happy and they even liked looking at the fish swim. That was the last time I saw them but I bet those fish are huge now living in the old pool....So there ya go, some testament to the pond /mosquito problem.....~``~~_/)

Well, in Florida, they'd be the fattest goldfish ever! Actually, I wasn't concerned about moquitos, more about frogs that are the size of small dogs. I imagine at the worst, they'd compete for space, though I'm sure the fish would make meals out of the frogs' eggs. :nod:
I have a request to please remove this entire thread.

Because of Hurricane Katrina, I have lost both my goldfish, for which the large aquarium was intended. I have had both pets for over 5 years, and my family and I are very upset. We were very attached. My family was doing daily water changes, but the heat was too oppressive, and the oxygen levels, without adaquate airation, were too low.

I know people have contributed information and I apologize, but after losing two wonderful family pets, I really don't feel like keeping goldfish for a while.

Thank you for your cooperation, and please remove this thread, from the forum.
I'm really sorry for the lost fish. I hope in time you will get some more.

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