Asian fish

Red tail and rainbow sharks can reach 5-6 inches long and require a tank that is at least 4 foot long.

Orange Chromides should be kept in a single species tank or a tank with small peaceful fishes. They will not do well with medium or large gouramis and sharks aren't the best tank mates for them either.
I agree sharks will try to either tail nipping or “swoop” at them.
I think Boraras brittage will be great.they go in group and they're almost the same size as the Neon tetras.I saw people keep rainbow shark with Neon tetras too.
In one of my favourite coffee shop owned by an experienced fishkeeper there is a very big tank and in there he keep neon tetras with Roseline sharks and Discus
Red tail and rainbow sharks can reach 5-6 inches long and require a tank that is at least 4 foot long.

Orange Chromides should be kept in a single species tank or a tank with small peaceful fishes. They will not do well with medium or large gouramis and sharks aren't the best tank mates for them either.
Yeah, almost all my tanks are that big lol. 90 gallon tank is what I’m looking at. So I NBC wasn’t too concerned with the 5 inch, I’m looking at a choice for a school and a top swimmer.
I think I’m looking at dropping the orange anyway. I hadn’t realized that they only color up occasionally
I think Boraras brittage will be great.they go in group and they're almost the same size as the Neon tetras.I saw people keep rainbow shark with Neon tetras too.
In one of my favourite coffee shop owned by an experienced fishkeeper there is a very big tank and in there he keep neon tetras with Roseline sharks and Discus
These guys look great, just not sure I can get my water soft enough, hmm
White clouds make a nice school although they don't "school" us such, they just do their own thing. I don't think Asia does tetras but there are lots of rasbora species.
I like white clouds, but I think they’re too cold water for sharks and gourami, so I’d need another main fish
For schooling fish, you can try:
1) Rasboras - especially Harlequin Rasbora is nice - very tight schooling
2) Danios
3) Loaches (for bottom level fish)
4) Barbs - I like especially the Five Banded Barbs.

Check this website for fish profiles:

For fish photos, check under Cyprinids for Rasboras, Danios, Loaches, Barbs:
Are you reading my notes? Lol I’ve been looking at 5 banded barbs!
I’ve kept a variety of barbs types in the past and figured tigers might be too nippy with gourami fins and golds might not be fast enough with a shark. I’ve heard mixed opinions on danios with gourami, night try them anyway. I like Rasbora but I have really hard water. I’m leaning towards five bands. I think I’m gonna have to go to the lfs and see them live, thanks.
Are you reading my notes? Lol I’ve been looking at 5 banded barbs!
I’ve kept a variety of barbs types in the past and figured tigers might be too nippy with gourami fins and golds might not be fast enough with a shark. I’ve heard mixed opinions on danios with gourami, night try them anyway. I like Rasbora but I have really hard water. I’m leaning towards five bands. I think I’m gonna have to go to the lfs and see them live, thanks.
5 banded barbs are lovely but they require softer water than some other barbs. I looked into them myself because i have hard water. Seriously fish as their hardness from 18 – 90 ppm
5 banded barbs are lovely but they require softer water than some other barbs. I looked into them myself because i have hard water. Seriously fish as their hardness from 18 – 90 ppm
Weird aquatic community has them rated a whole level higher
Weird aquatic community has them rated a whole level higher
That is a bit weird tbf, Aquatic community give a ph 5-6 and the water should be soft but gives a water hardness range of 5 upto 12dh. 12dh is hard in my book

Im no expert tho lol :) @Byron @Colin_T are 5 banded barbs soft or hard water fish? Thanks
On the Rainbow Shark, Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, ...[from the profile I wrote elsewhere] Territorial and combative with its own species; best kept in solitude (as they seem to live in their habitat). Young fish tend to be secretive, but as they mature some can become aggressive, especially with their own or similar species. This "shark" will get along with some of the loaches (Botia sp.) but other bottom fish should be avoided. Upper fish such as the medium barbs, rasbora and danios would be suitable. In a large aquarium (6+ feet) a group of 6 could be attempted, but any fewer would likely result in the death of subordinate fish within the group.

On the Five Banded Barb, if this is the species Desmopuntius pentazona, it is a soft water species. More at SF:

On the matter of community fish with gourami...gourami are sedate fish and should never (with a very few exceptions) be housed with danios or barbs. Rasbora are fine [or some of the quieter peaceful characins (tetras) if you move outside SE Asia]. The loaches and "sharks" can be trouble here too, though not all species.
I really like all Asian fish. Such a large group to pick from. Everyone's favorite, the Betta ,is Asian. I got on a Killifish kick and recently acquired 4 nice Aplocheilus linneatus Golden Wonder killies. They get big and are great hunters and pretty too. These come from South Western India. Does that qualify as Asian? How about Paradise Fish ? Nothing more Asian than those. Red Tail Sharks are awesome when they get big.
On the Rainbow Shark, Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, ...[from the profile I wrote elsewhere] Territorial and combative with its own species; best kept in solitude (as they seem to live in their habitat). Young fish tend to be secretive, but as they mature some can become aggressive, especially with their own or similar species. This "shark" will get along with some of the loaches (Botia sp.) but other bottom fish should be avoided. Upper fish such as the medium barbs, rasbora and danios would be suitable. In a large aquarium (6+ feet) a group of 6 could be attempted, but any fewer would likely result in the death of subordinate fish within the group.

On the Five Banded Barb, if this is the species Desmopuntius pentazona, it is a soft water species. More at SF:

On the matter of community fish with gourami...gourami are sedate fish and should never (with a very few exceptions) be housed with danios or barbs. Rasbora are fine [or some of the quieter peaceful characins (tetras) if you move outside SE Asia]. The loaches and "sharks" can be trouble here too, though not all species.
No I wasn’t asking about more then 1 shark. I was asking about more then 1 medium sized fish. I didn’t want more then one shark.
As I said, I wouldn’t keep danios with gourami. That’s why I was looking at alternatives.
No I wasn’t asking about more then 1 shark. I was asking about more then 1 medium sized fish. I didn’t want more then one shark.
As I said, I wouldn’t keep danios with gourami. That’s why I was looking at alternatives.

I realize all this. I was (as I generally do) responding to the general questions and suggestions throughout the thread. It is often easier for me to copy such info from my published material than writing it up every thread. Someone asked about danios with gourami, someone asked about the shark with other loaches.
I think I’m realizing that the answer is there aren’t a lot of Asian schools that do well with both gourami and sharks for a variety of reasons

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