large schooling fish


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
I'm soon going to get rid of my appolo sharks as I'm not too keen on them and after something in there replacement.

only problem is that hopefully in the future I will have a Merodontus tigrinus.

being a 2ft catfish with a big mouth the fish will need to be quite large bodied.

tanks mates include...

1 oscar
3 sevrums (once i remove 2 others)
hueta gar
asian arowana
a few birchirs
L152 plec
and a few eels.
tinfoil barbs i'm not too keen on as they eat too much quite simple and silver dollars will be too small.

forgot to mention there's also 2 stingrays so a not too messy fish is good.
I saw some REALLY cool shiny silver fish with long red (pointy) dorsal fins at the lfs, £21 a piece, they seemed to be shoaling, and were of reasonable size - similar to the monos they seel (obviously they are juveniles).

I don't know what they were however -_- .
Raechal said:
Columbian shark cat? :drool: I would die for one.
These are brackish fish and are a bottom dweller.

I'm after a mid level swimmer.

Urm your descrption does ring any bells for me James apart from maybe cigar sharks although there long and fin which would quite easily slip down ones throat!!

It's a 5x2.5x2 tank 850 litres with 80 litres of filtration.
To be honest with a tigrinus (which can grow to 30 inches in good conditions but takes a long time to get there) there aren't many middle dwelling schooling species that are going to be big enough to not be eaten, tinfoil barbs are the only obvious one but i'd never recomend them to anyone with expensive fish, they can be pure evil in their hunt for food.
The BGK and eels are going to have to go too as they will easily be considered food by the larger predators in the future.
paul_v_biker said:
Urm your descrption does ring any bells for me James apart from maybe cigar sharks although there long and fin which would quite easily slip down ones throat!!
They arn't sharks. They are a similar shape to silver dollars
Is there a smaller species (than Black) of Pacu that could go with them? OR are they all too large for your tank?

Not easy looking for fish to with uber-predators is it?

I don't suppose giant Gourami would get big enough?
JamesTasker said:
paul_v_biker said:
Urm your descrption does ring any bells for me James apart from maybe cigar sharks although there long and fin which would quite easily slip down ones throat!!
They arn't sharks. They are a similar shape to silver dollars
Those would be red hook silver dollars, they get a little larger than the standard SD's but still not big enough to live with a 2 foot shovelnose.

Red pacu stay smaller than blacks but are far too messy to combine with tigs and rays which need pristine water conditions.

Giant gourami get big enough but ewwwwww (shudders) what a UGLY fish.

One possibility is peacock bass but they will eventually need a bigger tank due to their swimming space needs.

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