Large aquariums

My problem with pythons are you can't treat the water before it goes into the tank so you have to dose an entire tank with dechlorinator and even though many are "instant" I don't want to risk burning or harming my fish with chlorine/chloramine or introduce all the dissolved minerals and metals like copper you can get.

All my water is at least partially filtered before it hits my tanks either through a filter or dechlorinated for the less sensitive tanks. I also use R/O water. I'm considering setting up up some kind of rig to pour the water into a large tub and then have a python connected to a pump drain the water into the tanks... would be easier on my back to just pour it in the tub on the ground than lifting and pouring . :p
Paul MTS that's good but I don't have that kind of set up. Book case is fine but not for a dustbin full of water. No I'm still on the bucket and jug method!!!
I have a 75gal tank and use a python.

The instructions say that if you angle the tube when he tank is refilling, so that it creates surface disturbance, that the chlorine etc. will be gassed into the atmosphere before it gets into your tank.

Either way, on a 75gal tank I know the time it takes to fill it so I divide that with the number of drops of dechlor and then add a couple of drops every few minutess. Easy.
I have read a lot of people mentioning a "python", now although I am sure we are not talking about the reptile kind can someone tell me exactly what this is and what it does?

Maybe we don't have this in our country?
I use a 2" Python and a 1" python to syphon tanks into a 50L Container... Then i use the python in reverse and place the container ontop of the tank to get the syphon going when doing refills..

glolite said:
Thanks guys, but I still don't get how, if you use a python, you can get it to refill your tank from the ground. Ok you could stand the bucket of clean water on a step ladder or something, but if you're replacing 25% of 90g thats 20g plus, I have a clean, new dustbin that I fill with conditioned water and heat overnight, then, doh :huh: how to syphon from ground level to tank. Stepladder not strong enough. Guess I'll have to buy a bigger pump or carry on with buckets and jugs. I am growing good muscles in my arms :flex:
Uhhhh.... I'm going to guess you're using a Python brand gravel vaccuum, and not the wonderful Python product we've all been raving about, the "No Spill Clean & Fill"

It connects directly to your faucet, creates suction so you can suck old tank water directly down the drain, and also acts as a hose to run water back into the tank.

Edit: It's basically the same thing people use to change the water in waterbeds, if you've seen that.
Angry_Platy said:
The instructions say that if you angle the tube when he tank is refilling, so that it creates surface disturbance, that the chlorine etc. will be gassed into the atmosphere before it gets into your tank.
It can take up to a a week for chloramines to gas out of water and it takes hours for chloramine to totally gas out as well.
i wish i lived where u all lived we dont get that kind of Python here but im going to look in to getting one sent to me ... should not be to hard...... at the moment i Python the water in to buckets then when iv gotten all the water iwat out i refill buckets and bucket it in ..takes me and my bf an hour to do all the tanks (9foot,3foot,5foot,1foot) iv got lovely arms from it :)....but do we spill a hell of alot of water lol
I have been using a python ever since I set my 75 gallon up about 5 weeks ago. Since I'm on city water, I actually syphon the water out. I think It actually may be faster than draining with the python. I use 2 buckets so as one get almost full, I just move the end over to the other and never stop the flow.

I do refill with the python though rather than carry water in the buckets. I would have to use a cup or jug to pour it in otherwise as I can't get the buckets high enough to syphon back into the tanks. As for the chlorine, I add some Stress Coat jst as I start adding water, add a little more about half way through and a little more at the end. The instructions on my python also said that it was made to create millions of tiny air bubbles to get rid of the chlorine and chlorimine. As a matter of fact, the first time i refilled my tank with it, I stopped because of all the air bubbles that were coming out. I thought I was doing something wrong. It probably would have helped if I had read the instructions first, but then I am a man and who needs instruction.
I have a 180g, 120g, 75g, 40, 30g & 3 20gallon tanks. I put water into 42 gallon rubbermaid cans, 2 of them, airate & heat with a regular tank heater overnight and use a water pump that does 2800 lph to fill from the cans. I have a spray bar on the out take of the water pump so I just sit back and watch it fill, works great.
BTW, I do 40% water changes per week.
rdd1952 said:
It probably would have helped if I had read the instructions first, but then I am a man and who needs instruction.
Admitting your problem is the first step on the road to recovery :lol: :p
I just use a standard hose pipe, does the same thing as a python at a fraction of the price. I use it to syphon the water out and into the garden and then i connect it to the tap and use it to put the water straight back in.
Aha! I go get hosepipe connector. Many brains help mine work :fun: Thanks for all the ideas. :nod: Hi ho, hi ho, it's of to B&Q I go, tiddle om pom pom ................

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