Lampeye tetras

@ombomb said:
I have some "Lampeye Killifish" Aplocheilichthys normani.

Do yours look like this:



No, I don't think they were; the scales were nothing like so visible. I really don't think they were killifish. They were also a good deal cheaper than the ones bloozoo saw.
I saw these in my lfs just yesterday - they look lovely, but were't cheap at £3 each
London Prices tut, tut, tut.
The same fish ( Aplocheilichthys normani) in Grosvenor Tropicals in Belfast retail at £3.00 for 6 fish.
:eek: I can't buy a runt guppy here for £3, everything is SO expensive here.
I saw these in my lfs just yesterday - they look lovely, but weren't cheap at £3 each
London Prices tut, tut, tut.
The same fish ( Aplocheilichthys normani) in Grosvenor Tropicals in Belfast retail at £3.00 for 6 fish.

perhaps you could post me some then ! ;)

Well I know where Bloo shops but mine were 5 for £6.00 I think.

I actually have two shops I call "my lfs" ;) the one close to work (which is Wholesale Tropicals) and the one in Mortlake (but I don't buy lifestock from there - hate to say it but I think the majority of their tanks and quality of fish are attrocious. I have to try and not look at the tanks :sick: :grr:).
Where abouts in London do you live Bloo?

If it's south of the river, give Maidenhead Aquatics in Morden a try.
Where abouts in London do you live Bloo?

If it's south of the river, give Maidenhead Aquatics in Morden a try.
Thanks haven't been there - will give them a try :) though I'm more over Richmond way.
You are very lucky to have easy access to Wholesale Tropicals. When I lived in England, it was one of my favourite shops. I lived in Richmond, for several years. There wern't any good shops there. I worked in Staines though, and there were/are a few good shops around the airport.
just seen some lampeye fish at my LFS and they look lovely!
anyone know if they school or not? im after 8 or so small fish for a school in my tank.

Some species of fish are more inclined to school then others, but in general, true schooling is rarely seen in small crowded tanks. You need big open spaces for the fish to adopt this defensive strategy.

Of course, we have no idea what fish we are talking about here. Read the rest of the thread, lampeye is such a common common name element.
well I picked up 6 of them today and they are tiny compared to my danios! after being chased around by the danios they hid behind the filter but started to come out now the light is off. will let you know how I go with them.

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