Lampeye Breeding Behaviour~Do You Know...?

Thanks for your linkage RCA, not something that gives any of us pleasure.
I purchased an Arcadia LED lamp unit for their tank... its an amazing piece of kit and the lampeyes absolutely sparkle under it.
How many do you have/bred ?
Good luck with the move... i've done this three times in the past with no losses but was fortunate to be able to set up a tank ready, so just a fast drive with a couple buckets !!! Cichlids and Pimpictus.
Your welcome, can you add a link to your lights or maybe write a review about it in the reviews section.

Not sure how many I have, somewhere in the region of 20. I have another topic on those I bred and will add the link here, as this was more about their behaviour which interests me.

In respect to moving, the fish are all going into foster care, as I will be in between final location for awhile. I am setting a tank up at a friends house, then will move the fish over once up and running safely for them.

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