Lake Inle Nano

With all the excitement of the new tank I haven't been ignoring these little guys. I mentioned elsewhere that I have started feeding their algae wafers in a bowl. This is for several reasons:
  1. They can find the food easier
  2. I get to watch them eat
  3. I can find the leftovers easier to remove them
  4. It turns into a snail trap the minute the lights go out
No matter how careful you are with feeding once the temp starts rising in summer the MTS growth and reproduction rates explodes. The tank is above 27 degrees now so we are heading into peak season. I only collect and cull every 10-14 days but today will be that day :)

Plants are looking superb :nod:
Sean....ive purchased some Rooibos tea.. how do i introduce it to the tank?

I didnt realise you had nerite snails in this tank. Thought you just had the 1 male in the other tank.
Sean....ive purchased some Rooibos tea.. how do i introduce it to the tank?

I didnt realise you had nerite snails in this tank. Thought you just had the 1 male in the other tank.
Nope its 1 male in this tank. Only one I have. Easiest way is just make a brew in a mug. Let it cool and add the water with your water change. 4 bags works nicely for me in the 200L (ish) tank.
Edit: You can always adjust to <coff> taste. It does fade a bit over a week. I also tried dropping a bag in the filter but in one of the tanks it went all slimy so I stopped doing that.
Nope its 1 male in this tank. Only one I have. Easiest way is just make a brew in a mug. Let it cool and add the water with your water change. 4 bags works nicely for me in the 200L (ish) tank.
Edit: You can always adjust to <coff> taste. It does fade a bit over a week. I also tried dropping a bag in the filter but in one of the tanks it went all slimy so I stopped doing that.
Great thanks :good: ive had some for a while now but not got round to use them. Ill give it a try on next water change
Yay just a water change for this one
Was that 70% WC ? looks crystal
Actually about 80%. Not really bothered about the exact percentage. I use jerrycans to fill the tanks and always use a whole number. This one gets 3 cans. They are 10 litre jerrycans but hold 11.5l when filled to the brim, and if I completely emptied the tank I would need 44l.
Guess its time for a trim. When I looked at the pic I was worried about how few CPD and shrimps were visible. But they all showed up at feeding time so they just like to hide in all the cover :fun:

Are you able to replant those trimmings?
As with most stemmed aquatic plants you just stick them into the substrate and they keep growing. Or you can remove the leaves and bury pieces of stem. I'll just chuck these because I have nowhere to put them. The left side of the tank is the front when viewed from my desk so is not a candidate.
This one has changed a bit. The light unit died. It was giving out mostly red light and very dim. The foliage in general was a bit jungle. The Anubias I had on wood had a lot of BBA, it had also got very big. When I took it out to clean the wood just fell apart so I binned the whole thing. Put in a fresh bit of wood and trying some mini coin anubias on there, hopefully the size will be more appropriate for the nano tank. I gradually removed all the plants and replaced with cuttings salvaged from the other tanks. Still a work in progress but slowly getting there.
No CPD or shrimp were harmed in the process ;)
Got to love Limnophilla! I've always thought one thing every Lake Inle biotope needs is a thick bamboo post or two to simulate the houses and gardens above :) a nice back story too!

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