Lake Inle Nano

You have a green thumb, plants are looking great. I took the background picture off my shrimp tank to let some sun light in, no algae growth yet. I thought I would keep it off for the next week or so for the plants. The Anacharis is coming back after I moved some to my 55 gallon.


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Removed the frogbit last night and as much of the duckweed as I could. Fish behaviour is unchanged but I don't like the look. It just seems unfinished. I'll spend another few evenings hunting down the remaining duckweed before throwing a few more frogbit leaves in the top.
And this is why its important to keep a close eye when you make any changes.
Removing the floating plants was just enough to tip the balance in favour of the BBA. I have always had it in this tank but it stays in a small area of the driftwood. Since I know what I did to cause it its easy enough to fix. I threw a handful of frogbit leaves in last night and reduced the light period by a couple of hours while it re-establishes.
How many CPD's do you have in this tank Sean? Would you say having the black sand makes their colours pop more?

I know you had play sand in with your community tank with your neons/glowlights before changing over. Just wondered if you noticed a difference in the fishes colours
How many CPD's do you have in this tank Sean? Would you say having the black sand makes their colours pop more?

I know you had play sand in with your community tank with your neons/glowlights before changing over. Just wondered if you noticed a difference in the fishes colours
About 30 CPD. Honest answer is I have no idea :). I have a steady (but small) trickle of fry surviving. It may be a lot more without the shrimp because they do eat the eggs. Never seen a newborn fry as they stay hidden until about half adult size but I do have lots of different sizes. I do occasionally fish out a dead one - usually the biggest ones so its probably just age. With shrimp and MTS in there I suspect I don't find most of them. I bought 24 back in May 2018 and when I last did a full head count just before Christmas I had 32.

This tank had black sand from day 1. Its where I got the idea of it for the other tanks. I don't think the tetras actually changed colour when I switched but the cories definitely did. The peppers (c.paleatus) were predominantly brown on the play sand and now they are grey / black. I have always assumed this is a camouflage mechanism.
Don't forget to replace those root tabs
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I noticed last week the plants in all my tanks were looking a bit straggly and these have grown a bit of algae. I last put root tabs (flourish) in at the end of Jan so wasn't expecting to top up for another month but a quick root around (sorry) revealed it was time. Topped these up at the weekend and did a bit of a trim. There is already a very noticeable difference.

Didn't have enough for the other tanks and the online suppliers all only have the small packs of 10 (not enough for one of the other tanks). Have an alternative on order so hopefully the growth in the other tanks will kick off again shortly.
Looks great, they really grew. Tank does looks different, where are the tetra?
This is the one with CPD. They are very shy and like hiding. There are over 30 in there, but you can only see a few. Only way to get them in a pic is to lure them out with food. Been interesting watching them with the lights off while I am working at home as the tank is next to my desk. my colleagues have been treated this week too as its our quarterly planning week so I have pretty much spent the whole of this week in video conferences. Have aimed the webcam at the tank and swap it from tank to tank daily :fish:
Yes I can see them, the plants give them lots of cover to hide in, I decided I am going to have frogbit in my 30 gallon. Was thinking of maybe in the 55 gallon tetra tank too since the hornwort is breaking down rapidly
Looks nice!
Looking really nice! Is the sand naturally that dark, or is it just me? :)
Several generations out tonight. Sorry about the poor quality pic - phone doesn't cope too well with macro in low light.
Another Saturday, another round of water changes done so more boring pics of Sean's tanks to follow. Tonight I used the slr as the phone doesn't handle white balance or contrast terribly well, and I wanted the pics to be as close to what the eyes see as possible. The downside is my tanks really are as dark as they look so the lens is wide open with an incredibly narrow DOF. Nothing really to report on this tank :whistle:

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