kudos to wal-mart


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
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looking through the fish department (as always) i was looking at the new shipment of betta fish. some guy (i think he was trying to use this a a pick up line) said you can buy the betta, betta hex and all for super cheap. he has three, he likes them so much. enter walmart fish guy. "yes they can survive in the small hexes, but they are happier in larger more open places, if i wanted a betta i should at least get this one gallon set up, complete with filter and hood. in fact, he has an old one over here in the corner i can have if i dont mind cleaning it up." by this time, pick-up line guy has disappeared. so now i am mama to two new bettas. one red one names Stop, and the other still needs a name. he is blue-green-red. but yay to the walmart fish guy for sticking up for bettas! :D :fun: B)
When I was in the Anchorage area I think I ran into that very same fellow. Very kind but was pretty firm about the needs of the fish that he was selling.

i ran into a similar fish person at my local walmart. i saw some ignorant guy thinking of buying koi and putting THEM (plural) in a 10 gallon.

I was proud when the wal mart person explained the nature of koi's size and cold water preference. then he explained cycling to the guy, using the word CYCLING. :kana: i was overjoyed.
hey fishyjessie i think u should call the blue green one "go". hehehehe but thats just my opinion.
fishyjessie- were there anymore interesting bettas there? i'm thinking i might need another one or two. i hate to say it, but that pet store in the mall usually has some pretty good ones. also, an update on the molly fry if you're still interested, they're coming up on 6 weeks, so they should be ready to go in the not too distant future.
yay mollies! you know what this means, i get to buy more tanks!
you know how walmart is, the fish go super fast. try to go on tues/wed and you will have the best selection. i agree with you on the selection at the mall......i think i want a crowntail next. and a update on the names.....
I'm glad to hear that some Walmart associates know what they're doing. Also glad to hear you got more bettas. :nod:

Unfortunately, only a few associates actually know what they're doing, and none of the associates around here do. :/
I just wish my WalMart had associates in the fish section. Nobody is ever there! So they get somebody from the garden center who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground :X

PS also wanted to say that my WalMart has lately done well - much lower stocking levels and few floaters. Plus they are the only place in the area with micro swords and Wendtii (sp?). Just wish I could get help.
i have 2 walmarts. one isnt the best they had african chiclids in like a 2 gallon tank. the other has mixed breeds, but their all the sametype, like female livebearers, and males, etc. they usually dont have ppl. there but they do have ppl. that atleast let u choose your own fish. i think i got 2 kois there that were said 2 be goldfish though. they died though. out of 7 fish from there only 2 lived, thats only because they got killed by my guppy! and one had a column fall on him. :(
i went to the wal-mart nearby me todya and looked in the fish department :( was really disappointing, they had a grand total of FIVE betta, and that was it. None of htem looked particular helathy and they all looked really worn out and tired :(

made me feel bad for them :(

p.s. i got another red male betta from petsmart today :D they ARE addictivE!
the secret to getting good bettas from walmart (at least from here) is to go on fish shipment day. at mine it is tuesday and by wed night they are about out of good looking fish.
Walmart is learning.....
I hope you all have better luck at walmart i work there and i just found this forum and i am going to pass this on to all my walmarts i can..
as for good days and bad days.. the shippment day is the best day to go because we do have regs. that come in on that day and buy all the good colorful fish.. i have sold meny of large fantails before i even release them.. i can order special too so can any other dept. manager they work 7-4 m-f.. in all walmarts if it is a fish we carry then they can order it for you and save it for you .. just have to get to know who is the dept. manager there. and if they care about there dept. then they will do what you ask.. as for no one being there that is a corp. thing they tell us we don't have the hours for the help but if you write a letter to the president. which you can get at the service desk then this can be fixed at you local walmart..
i on the other hand teach my garden center assoc.. so they know too..
good luck and i am glad you are all here..
but the prices at walmart are actually more expensive. I got my betta at petsmart for 2.99, saw the one at walmart labeled as 4.97 -_-

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