Fish Crazy
looking through the fish department (as always) i was looking at the new shipment of betta fish. some guy (i think he was trying to use this a a pick up line) said you can buy the betta, betta hex and all for super cheap. he has three, he likes them so much. enter walmart fish guy. "yes they can survive in the small hexes, but they are happier in larger more open places, if i wanted a betta i should at least get this one gallon set up, complete with filter and hood. in fact, he has an old one over here in the corner i can have if i dont mind cleaning it up." by this time, pick-up line guy has disappeared. so now i am mama to two new bettas. one red one names Stop, and the other still needs a name. he is blue-green-red. but yay to the walmart fish guy for sticking up for bettas! B)