Kristin's 55 Gallon Tank


Back Again
May 19, 2004
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I am so excited - I have always wanted a big reef tank but was overwhelmed with the cost and the detail of getting one set up. Well, a friend of mine who has a 55 gallon tank is moving to OH and will be in temporary housing while they buy a house there. I asked what they were planning on doing with the tank and she said she didn't know - sell off in parts and dry the LR out with them to bring to OH...or try and sell the whole thing. I asked about the price and it was very good - $700 for all of it, including 4 fish and a quarantine tank!

We were going to do the move over after they got back from a house hunting trip in a couple of weeks but they have a few other big projects lined up for that weekend so she asked if we could move it this weekend. They are going to start bringing the quarantine tank over and some of the water from the tank and then we'll see from there if we have time to do the big tank today or wait til tomorrow.

I don't know much about the tank other than it is very self sufficient. I am not sure exactly what filtration he's got on it but there is a good amount of live rock and the 4 fish and a purple sea urchin. No corals as the lighting is just the stock lighting.

The fish included:

Clownfish (not sure if it's perc or ocellaris)
Red Firefish
Citron Goby
Lawnmower Blenny

...and the urchin.

Livestock to come at some point:
Mate for the clown (the one is a good size, I'll get a small one)
3-4 Spotted Cardinalfish
a basslet of some sort or wrasse

I'd also like to get soft corals going so am looking at a lighting upgrade.

For now, I am going to have to be content with the tank as is b/c I had to pull some strings budget wise and with my husband to get the OK to make this purchase!

I had a nano reef going for about 18mos with no fish loss and only lost a few corals, but then my son, who was around 2 at the time, maybe 3 (now almost 7) decided to "help" me feed the fish by pouring in the whole canister of food. It was as we were on our way out the door so I didn't notice what he had done. We were gone most of the day and by the time we came home, the entire tank was green and everything was dead :( I was devastated and didn't have the heart to resurrect it. Now, he's almost 7 and my younger son is 4.5 so they are both old enough to understand DON'T FEED THE FISH! My whole journal is actually back in the nano reefs forum - I was reading through it last night and it really made me miss my little tank - I had the CUTEST little bitty clownfish......

Pics to come as we get it moved in!
You must be very excited - looking forward to watching the tanks progress :good:

Seffie x
Thank you Seffie, I am!

I was mistaken, there is no firefish, just the clownfish (ocellaris), goby and blenny (and urchin). Right now they are hanging out in the quarantine tank with some live rock and a sponge filter to keep the water moving. The poor clownfish, the giant conch shell he had been hosting was a family hand down from the guy I got the tank from so he wanted to keep it and the poor clown has just been swimming around without a home. He's doing well though, and the goby has great color - not washed out (from stress) at all and I've even caught sight of the shy blenny a few times.

I thought we were going to move the tank over here over a few days but we ended up doing it all yesterday, in many trips b/c we only had a few buckets. Right now, most of the LR is in a big plastic trash can with water, to keep them wet, and the sand is in a couple of salt buckets.

The main tank is in the living room and the quarantine (a 20 gallon long) is in the dining room. Today's project will be to move the rocks back to the main tank, then the sand and then the water. I have some salt to make fresh water but not enough for a full 55g so I will have to use some of the old water til I can get to the store.

The friend I got the tank from is a big DIYer, he made the sump out of a 10g tank and the skimmer is in there, and he did the tubing for all the piping in the back of the tank as well. It's live rock filtered which is not a problem at all with 3 little fish and an urchin. No clean up crew in there right now other than the urchin.

Surprisingly, my 4yr old is way more interested in the fish than the 6yr old is, who up til just recently wanted to be a marine biologist so he could help save the coral reefs :p

Pics to come when I get some progress made with getting the tank set up.
Parker, you have got heat and a powerhead going in with that live rock haven't you?

Seffie x
Heat, yes - powerhead, no, but it's going straight in the main tank this afternoon. If I decide to wait til tomorrow I will put the extra powerhead in there.
All of the lr and sand is in the main tank, and I have a heater in there to get the water up to a good temp. The fish are still in the quarantine tank, along with one big piece of lr for the urchin to "hop" to (he's on the glass right now). I have some fresh salt water in a bucket with a pump for aeration right now. I may need to stop at the store and get some more salt b/c even with the water from the quarantine tank, I won't have enough...and I'd like to swap out a good percentage of what was in there as a good water change anyway.
Mason and I stopped at the store to get the salt and we mixed that this afternoon and it's aerating and getting ready. I've been looking at the hardware and can get everything going except the siphon to get the water going to the outlet tube that takes the water down to the sump... I know my friend showed me something about inserting a thin piece of airline tubing to get the suction started but I'm stumped. His wife is coming over in a bit - I'll ask her or ask her to ask him...
Picture Day 1:

Day 2 and everything looks good. I am going to run a whole battery of tests on the water for quality check this morning after I take Mason to school.

Last night, everyone was out and about - the goby was swimming around with the clown as if he were a clownfish, it was really funny. I fed them a little and that settled him down. Even the shy lawnmower blenny was out investigating the rocks. This morning I have seen the clown and the blenny but not the goby yet.
Saw the goby, back hanging out with Nemo again. Oh, my kids have, of course, named the fish. The little boy who "owned" the tank before, of course dubbed the clownfish Nemo, and that name stuck. The other names are just as original - Goby and Blenny :p
Thank you! I will check out your journal too - and the cockatoos, I love the nw cichlids.

Ran the water tests today and am pretty happy. Need to do a more thorough water change soon.

Temp - 77
sg - 1.024
Ammonia - .5 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 40 ppm
Calcium - 440 ppm
Carbonate Hardness - 10 dkH
pH - 8.2

Phew, I was a little worried I wouldn't get everything just right with moving the tank over. Keeping them in quarantine wouldn't have helped b/c it was the same tank water and live rock.

Everything is in the main tank now, so I'll clean out the quarantine tank til I need it.
Are you at this AGAIN parker? LOL.

MOD NOTE: Parker 313 was the inspiration for getting me into nano reefing. Don't let this thread fool you. She a hardened saltwater criminal. Here is the thread that inspired me.


Oh crap, you found me!! :p Yup, back again - with older kids less prone to mischief and a bigger tank!

Hardened saltwater criminal, I like the sound of that... ...and it's your siggy pic that has me wanting to keep cardinals in this tank!

OK, I'm going to go take some pictures of my tank.
Are you at this AGAIN parker? LOL.

MOD NOTE: Parker 313 was the inspiration for getting me into nano reefing. Don't let this thread fool you. She a hardened saltwater criminal. Here is the thread that inspired me.



:rofl: ah, you have been found out - looking forward to the photos.

And SH, nice to see you back :good:

Seffie x

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