Kristin's 55 Gallon Tank

My new little buddy. Hard to get a good pic in one of those plastic bags. He's drip acclimating right now.


Oh, and the fish store had a whole little shoal of 6 pajama cardinals...only $16 each :p
Yeah, I know - I put that in just for you ;) They really did just kind of float there... There was a bicolor angel in the little tank with them and the only time the cardinals really moved was when the angel decided to play chase. Over in another tank there was one little banggai cardinal and he was sooooo cute...
Like I have any say in the matter. Mason, the 4.5yr old, immediately dubbed him Nemo, Jr, before we even got home.

So, now we have: Nemo, Nemo Jr, The Goby, The Blenny and The Purple Sea Urchin :p
Nemo Jr is doing awesome. He ate like a champ last night and is still "sleeping" but starting to wake up - it's funny watching him :wub:

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