
nope they grow up to 3 inches, but probably 2, ive got 2 that are 2inches and 3 that are 1.5

they're very quick?

i was thinking of getting some swordtails? would they be alrite with the kribs?
The tetras may be alright. The swordtail may work aswell. I have had swordtails in with kribs and they were fine, but you never know.
hi all its my first post,i had 2 femail kribs they were bought as a pair anyway,they have been in my 300ltr,bow front tank about 10month,i went out and bought a male just over a week ago,he paired up right away with one of the girls,now theres a load of young in there,they scatter the other fish but dont do anything drastic,and theres alsorts in there,,swordtails tetras corys,plecs,clown loaches,a parrotfish,silver dollas,they are huge and nothing bothers anything,so,,we can put other fish all together,and live in harmony.mind you theres loads of places for them to hide,and my mail keeps going over to the other femail and has a playabout with her,so we might have more youg to come,so in a few weeks time if all are biger there will be some young going if anyone wants any :good:
we still have loads of little ones my god they the bullterrier of the fish world,theres nothing will go near them,they not really aggressive,they dont have to be,as nothing dare go near there corner,i think its becouse theres loads of places for them to hide,and the tanks big enough for them all to get,away, :good:
thanks youve filled me with confidence, im hopeing the male will colour up more, the female is gorgus

the male stood up 2 3 clown loaches, who promptly scattered into thier coconut shell lol

how long on average does it take for fry to appear?
hi i got the mail about 12 days ago,we have had young about,5 days now,i would like to now any advice on these,i was into discus years ago,and,this now is just a little hobby,as way back then i was addicted,,i maybe shouldnt have what i have in there,but i dont have any problems,even though theres fry in the tank,i enjoy watching them

hi i got the mail about 12 days ago,we have had young about,5 days now,i would like to now any advice on these,i was into discus years ago,and,this now is just a little hobby,as way back then i was addicted,,i maybe shouldnt have what i have in there,but i dont have any problems,even though theres fry in the tank,i enjoy watching them

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