Kribensis, Tiger Barbs And A Shark?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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Hi, i got a pair of kribensis a few days ago and all they do is hide, so i read that if there are other brave fish that swim in the open in the tank they will too, so for that reason im getting a few tiger barbs, which ive heard go well with kribs.
Im also thinking of getting a red tail or ruby shark too, im just worried they will fight when its older and more territorial.
Also i was wondering, i have a male and female krib, will they automatically become a breeding pair or is there a chance they wont breed?
i like to use rummynose as my "target fish" i havent had any unsuccess in just a male and female pairing together. Though some people that method hasn't worked for them and they have to have about 6 and let them pair off but i find this difficult as you have to find someone to take the fish that you don't want after you have a pair formed. If you see the female bend her belly towards the male and him chase her a bit and maybe nibble her then they are doing "courtship" if you see them "shimmy" as each other (they vibrate on the spot to each other) then they have formed a bond.

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