Knight Goby Spawning?

so i was noticing today when i came home on break my knights are starting to get their darker color again. i thinking it may be about time to try once more!! wish me luck
ok so this time im going to try to keep a better log.

Day one noticeable color change, male and female both remaining near coconut hut. one is inside, the other outside gaurding and moving a small amount of sand.
day two coconut hut dweller is removing sand and guarding the hut, has ran the mate off
day two coconut hut dweller is removing sand and guarding the hut, has ran the mate off
Big possible sign for breeding, by the way has it already been a month lol? or do they breed quicker than a month from their first batch? It will be nice to have pictures or even better a video of them behaving aggressive and guarding their turf.
Hope they are breeding and want you to get lots and lots of babies :) by the way do you have a spare tank for the fry ready to put in?
i have a spare tank set up for them, this is my second pare doing it this time i do not see eggs yet, i will snap some pics tonight and try to get a video!
day three ok so i said there were no eggs and i was wrong



not the best pics, hard to take pics, hold the hut and shine a flash light

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