Knight Goby Spawning?

i have terra cotta pots and a coconut hut and lots of plants. they live in my community tank




these are a few pics hope this works here goes, lol
I'm not sure what happened here. Are you using the IMG link they give you?
Hi lumpyheffalump :)

On PhotoBucket, open your picture so it looks like this. Then right click on the IMG code, copy it and past it right into your post.


in his hut

clearing his hut



his hut buried to the bottom, lol
ok now i have figured this out, yay me!
Hi lumpyheffalump :)

They are absolutely beautiful! I'm surprised to see how much yellow they have. I didn't notice it on mine at the lfs and by the time I got them in the tank it was too dark to tell much about color. The tank they are in doesn't have a light but gets good natural light during the day. I'm looking forward to getting a better look at them then. I have to get some caves, etc. in there too but I hesitated doing that before I'm able to make sure they seem OK.

I'm glad you were able to get the pictures posted. Thanks so much. :)
yellow usually means female
Yeah I never knew that they had yellow on their back tails, seriously yours is the best looking one I have seen so far. I see them mainly in complete Fresh water and they are not looking that healthy except the ones I saw in Viscum, they were good looking. So do the males and females have the yellow tails is it just the females? Really nice pictures, are you keeping the bumblebee's with goby's? I have seen them before together but I think it was not recommended including at breeding times. Were they really aggressive whilst breeding? Could you possibly get pics of the babies.

Thanks :)
yellow usually means female
Yeah I never knew that they had yellow on their back tails, seriously yours is the best looking one I have seen so far. I see them mainly in complete Fresh water and they are not looking that healthy except the ones I saw in Viscum, they were good looking. So do the males and females have the yellow tails is it just the females? Really nice pictures, are you keeping the bumblebee's with goby's? I have seen them before together but I think it was not recommended including at breeding times. Were they really aggressive whilst breeding? Could you possibly get pics of the babies.

Thanks :)

both sexes seem to have a little yellow in their tails. the females body has a yellowis cast to its color. the top fin on the male stands higher. thank you for the compliment i pride myself in the care i take in my animals. i love them and they love me in return. my bumblebees are in a seperate tank. they are housed with 6 adf, 3 mystery snails, and a peacock gudgeon for the moment. i was advised to keep my bumblebees away from the knights. however im a rebel and i gave it a go. 2 bumblebees disappeared so i moved them to their new home. and the frogs and 2 snails had to be moved due to a treatment going on in their tank. during the breeding they were semi agressive. however after the eggs were layed it was a war. one of my peacocks was killed and an adult male molly. the babies were eaten due to the fact i was totally unprepared. it was my fault and in a month or so im going to give it another whirl.


here is one of my bumblebees and 2 frogs
Thats really good that you enjoy your fish keeping and who wouldn't, i always wanted to go brackish as its a quarter away from a full marine keeper. The reason why I say a quarter as you don't need to worry about types of coral e.g. soft, hard and also no real worries about the fast water flows and bright lighting that they need.

I kept 3 bumblebee goby's with 2 young purple spotted goby's and 1 unknown goby that looks like a jade. The unknown was completely fine with the bumblebee's and didn't harm any other fish including when it got to 4", however the 2 purple spotted did go after them at times but then cooled off including once they got used to my feeding habits. I kept them together for a month only saw 2 at a time and 2 were the same looking and one of them had a black dot on both sides, which was the one i didn't see but once it came to selling them I found him/her which was good, including when I listed in the ad that I had 3 of them lol.

I'm glad to hear that you're trying to breed them and I'm sure you will be successful this time because you intentionally wanting them to. However, it can be very exciting when it just happens and you find random babies. It was really exciting when I found 7 swimming fry from my African Kenyi cichlids.
However I still miss oddball fish like goby's and puffers and I am looking for an oddball fish for cichlid setup, I have asked on a different topic for any suitable I was looking for a birchir but want to set my babies free when they get to 2cm and don't want them to get eaten by the birchir.

Hope you do well and please update more about your second spawning and love to see pictures of what they look like when they are as fry.
i cant wait to try it again, i promised to wait a month due to my husband getting frantic last time it happed. i keep a bichir in with my knights. i love the character he adds, will be upgrading as he grows. my bumblebees are so cute. i now have 11. some have spots have an extra stripe and others have almost a white face. i just love my gobies!!!
lol I didn't expect a reply after a few days but that was real quick! yeah please update, are you from the UK because I never seen so colourful knight goby's. If your salinity is high enough i have read you can get some full marine fish or invertebrates mainly happily living in brackish waters. Then you could probably convert it to full marine later.
im in the us, and i checkin on the forum once daily, lol ive tinkered with the thought of full marine but i will leave that to those who have the knowledge. maybe one day. ill try to get some new updated pics soon

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