kitty diary

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
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Houston, Tx.
Guess what Simba's looking at...


It's a little black kitten named Sly (male). He was left at our hospital yesterday with his sister and someone wanted the sister 30 minutes after she arrived. I was willing to take him in since I miss raising a kitty since Simba, so I volunteered to foster :rolleyes: . So he's not permanent.
He hasn't opened his eyes yet and is not able to go to the bathroom on his on. We think he's not even a week old yet. He barely lost his umbilicle (sp?) cord yesterday. I'm bottle feeding and he has a wonderful appetite. Of course, out of Sky, Simba and Samson, the ones who were fine with him for the most part were the boys.
Sky doesn't want him here. Samson just stays away from me. And Simba seems to really like him. I really thought it was going to be Sky who would like him.


That's actually Simba licking Sly.

Sky tries to smack him but I correct her. I know I shouldn't blame her since this is mostly her space but it's more Simba's space and he let her stay in his room so she needs to stand kitten for at least 10 minutes a day. I don't sleep in my own room now cause I can't trust Sky with the baby. I have to sleep with him in another room...that's if I even sleep.

Anyways, these are more of his pictures.

A bless :wub: (but how could someone leave a suckling kitten out in the cold :grr: ) Best of luck with the hand rearing :thumbs:
Awww...thanks all.

They actually didn't leave them out in the cold. They had a female cat who had two kittens and the people took the kittens away after just a few days or right away and took them to our clinic and just left them there. Now why they didn't spay :dunno:
But yea, I can't really keep him because I already have 3 more and I'm trying to adopt one of those three out. Two in the house is my limit but they made an exception for this one because I'm just fostering. But I am getting attached. I know he'll find a good home though. If we can't find one, one of my coworkers will take him in. I'm just the one willing to wake up every 3-4 hours to feed him. I know he's going to assume I'm his mommy when he opens his eyes and sees me. But that's ok :D
I know Sky would learn to love him but I just can't do it. Simba already loves him. Everytime I bring him in the room to get on the computer, Simba is always by him :wub: . I raised Simba like that too but I never expected it to be him to like the kitty so much.
Anyways, Simba said thank you for the comments ;) and I'm sure Sly does too. I'll take more pictures as he does new things or so on.

Here are a few more pictures I took today:


I just love this picture :wub:


And here's the baby drinking his bottle.
What a great story and it was really great of you to take care of the kitty when it didn't have a home :cool: The pictures are wonderful. It seems the baby's fitting in alright at the moment. I agree, that pic of Simba stretched out with the kitten is adorable. You can see the immense curiosity in him in that pic. :lol:
Thanks :)

Well Sly went to his aunty's house for a few days (my co-worker). I have a dentist appointment on Thursday and can't take him so he'll be there till I go back to work on Thursday. I miss him already though :sad: . And so does Simba.
We did realize that he was constipated so we had to put something in there to ease it down a bit before he left with his aunt. She also took something with her to try and fix the problem if it continues. I know she'll take care of him though.

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