Kirby the Color Changing Plec


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
My Sailfin plec, Kirby, has now been through three color changes, and each time he changes, he looks more beautiful. :wub: I figured I'd post some pics of Kirby's color changes, and also use them to show just how much bigger Kirby has become. When I bought him a little over a month ago, he was about 4 1/2 inches...he is now almost 8. He has grown like a weed and has definitely shown his true colors! :p Hope you enjoy these! :wub:

Here is a pic of Kirby when I first brought him home. :wub:


Here he is after his first color change...growing a bit darker. :)


And here is Kirby today. He's got RED on him! :hyper: :wub: :wub:

:wub: Kirby's so cute! What kind of cory is that near the rock cave? He's so beautiful! I want to get some of those little guys! :)
I have so many sailfins....and NONE of them have gone red for me :angry:

I am going to have to tell them about Kirby..... :nod:

That's great how he gets red on him, looks awesome! :)
freshmike said:
I have so many sailfins....and NONE of them have gone red for me :angry:

I am going to have to tell them about Kirby..... :nod:

That's great how he gets red on him, looks awesome! :)
Thats right, show 'em who's boss! Make 'em turn colors for ya!

Think they can do purple? :blink: :/ :fun: :p

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