Killudeads New 75 Gallon Project

One of my black Corys died a few months back whilst in the process of laying eggs. Must've got stuck and had problems causing the death :(

These things happen though. Sorry for your loss


as I am sorry for yours as well.
Well, i just hope that she is living happy in fishy heaven...
I had to get her mate some company, so i went and bought 2 red wag platys.
he does to school with them, but still floats around the tank seemingly looking for wilma. its sad.. i feel bad for the little guy. I wonder if fish know that 1 is missing and do they remember it for long?
i have added the following fish to this tank as of today.

1 betta
2 red wag platy
1 sun burst platy
1 blue ram
5 neon tetras
3 black tetras
2 rummy nose fish
3 black phantoms
1 cory cat
5 amano shrimp
2 crystal red shrimp
2 bumble bee goby's
3 Glofish

they are small fish right now.
the betta is the king pin, with the sunburst platy and cory cat right behind.
all the rest are half their size
Wow, now that i count them, thats alot of fish.. hmm.. better stop buying for now.
Ok, so i have made some changes and updates to the tank.
I added some grapevine bogwood and some more plants.
I have to come back and edit this post to add pics of the updates.
I am also working on a true co2 injection system using the tank. I have graduated from DIY yeast. WOO HOO!!!!
I am kicking around the idea of getting a UV filter as well.
Another update:
My Betta fish "Blu" has passed on this morning.
R.I.P Blu - 4/9/9
You will never be forgotten!!!


Blu sitting silly on the leaf...

He came into my life when I first started keeping fish. He was my first guy.
he lived happily for around 8 months. I feel like he was shorted his time here, but it is what it is.
When it is your time, it is your time.

he had dropsy, I am not sure if I could have done more, i think we may have caught it late. :shout:
I thought he had constipation or swim bladder. I wonder if he suffered. I cant imagine that it is comforting to have your internal organs swell to the point of onset death.
Maybe I am goofy, but it brings a tear to my eye to know that he is gone.
So in all, i have lost 3 fish.
The 3rd was a blue ram, we were not together to long and not real sure why he passed. We think that is probably due to stress of transport and they are sensitive anyway. I have since bought 2 more and they seem to be alright.
sorry to hear about your blu and your ram. :-(
are your new rams male and female??

Thank you for your acknowledgement. :thanks:
As for the blue rams, they are identical in every way, expect one has the black line through his hole eye and the other does not.
I love that design feature of the blue ram. They are so colorful and the black accents well.

Here are some pics of the updates mentioned on page 1 bottom.
These are taken right to left



and this is the wide body shot

now to further explain a little, i have been doing the DIY yeast at 4-2 liter bottles with a barr diffuser concept. (damn, i knew i forgot something) :hyper:
co2 -24 hours a day and o2 at night. the fish seem to all go to the top as soon as the main light goes off and the moon lights go on. well this is what i have found so far
red wags, sunburst go to top, rummy nose stay at the bottom along with the tetras. everyone else so far i think that i have noticed appears fine.
during the day, the are as happy as can be and all over the tank.
I test the parameters and they are all fine.
nothing outrageous.
however, that being said, this is the tank that my betta started in. He would hover near the netting in this shot (3rd pic above)
and we all know how that ended! :sad:
so i added the air stone at night to try to prevent any ODing of co2.
It just makes me feel better.
I learned a valuable lesson about feeding my fish from this whole incident. So i hope that his (blu's) type of death is never repeated.
even if it was not the cause. I learned valuable information about sickness, parasites, cures, what to do,when to do it. This is my first real bout with anything fish related. I have no children, so these are my kids. yes, they are only fish, cheap, easily replaced. But i love them all the same. Each one is special in its own way.
I went to the local aquarium society auction and i got me some cherry shrimp. I think they are crystal reds. I cant remember. also i got 2 moss balls and some java moss. I put the java moss in the them added the shrimp, well my 1 blue ram (leggo) he thought it was a snack. So I started with 10, last night i saw at least 5. They are small and can hide well.
It is my fault, i did not realize that they would be lunch. I have so many other shrimp in there as well.
Anyway, i ordered some blue pearl shrimp, i can put them in a 5 gallon tank for the time being.
Basically the rule is if it will fit in the mouth then you can't mix. Rams will feast on anything but fullly adult large shrimp. adult cherrys should be big enough but any juvys will be gobbled. There isn't really any such thing as a herbivorous fish. They will eat anything they can find that will fit.

Basically the rule is if it will fit in the mouth then you can't mix. Rams will feast on anything but fullly adult large shrimp. adult cherrys should be big enough but any juvys will be gobbled. There isn't really any such thing as a herbivorous fish. They will eat anything they can find that will fit.


well, i will have to keep that in mind going forward. I have seen up to 4 so far. But only 1 now and then. They like to hid in the java moss i got them. Which i cant say that i blame them.
So i keep having to monkey around with the needle valve to make sure it is set the correct rate. I just check it when i get home from work. The lights go on at 3 pm and off at 12 am.
I have also since added my enhancer Kit includes Flourish Nitrogen, Flourish Phosphorus, and Flourish Potassium. So i have started my doseing of that.
All i can say is wow, my plants are taking off and the algae seems to be subsiding.
now my question is should i still have the air stone at night to make sure they do not suffocate?
i will have to do some reading on that one. I am sure it has been asked before.
update of the blue ram, whatever it was, it is now gone. I continued to dose for ich for a few days just in case, and i am keeping an eye on him.
Thanks for all the help.
You can add air at night if you want. Not a problem for the CO2 as long as it is off when CO2 is on.

My Co2 tank already emptied itself. Had to get it refilled. I was told, no Teflon Tape at all and only one little gasket, not the 2 i was instructed to use.
For the first time, my blue rams have started going after my betta. (cable) he is now always hiding in the log i have. However, i have since made some changes and gave him his very own ten gallon.
So i now have a tank dedicated to shrimp. I got some blue pearls off aquabid, but they are not very blue... WTH...
So thats the latest and greatest. I have to post some new pics, my plant growth is incredible since i added the co2 and dosing with the proper ferts.
You will be amazed, as I am.
The log that i have in the tank is hollow underneath and I can fit a 2" wooden air stone in there. So i added it to the log and under the blue night light, you might think its an aero...
i have added the following fish to this tank as of today.

1 betta
2 red wag platy
1 sun burst platy
1 blue ram
5 neon tetras
3 black tetras
2 rummy nose fish
3 black phantoms
1 cory cat
5 amano shrimp
2 crystal red shrimp
2 bumble bee goby's
3 Glofish

Ok, update on the fish.

1 betta - Cable
2 red wag platy - Barney and Mr. Slate
2 sun burst platy - Garfield and Fred
2 blue ram - Leggo and Eggo
5 neon tetras - ???
3 black tetras - the three stooges
2 rummy nose fish - Tango and Cash
3 black phantoms - Huey, Luey, and Duey
1 cory cat - Jimmy
5 amano shrimp - ???
2 crystal red shrimp - Lucky and His brother
2 Red Cherry shrimp - ???
2 bumble bee goby's - Rocco and Rambo
3 Glofish - Sunflower, Pinky, and the brain
1 oto - Johnny
2 sucker glass catfish - Poo and Nanny (my wife came up with that one :hyper: )
How is the new 'flow' pattern working? Are the CO2 bubbles being pushed around well?


Definitly one of the most important ingredients! Definitly learned this from him, not only that but saving me money and grief now because I listen to him on this part. 55gal 10x movement with proper positioning for the flow = less co2 bubbles per second :)

Nice tank by the way coming along pretty good so far

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