

Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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probably not in the right section but----- can different types of killifish be kept together or not?
The Mods usually relegate these questions to the oddballs section.
The quick answer is certin types of different species can be kept together. The problem with them is that so many species like Fundulopanchax and Aphyosemion will interbreed. (females look almost exactly the same to the untrained eye)
What were you hoping to do.
well i just bought 2 different species but the man in the shop told me they couldnt go in the same tank..just wondering if he was right or not, he said they could go toghter if there was a lot of plants, because 'they can be snappy' is the phrase he used!

edit- im not bothered about breeding as i dont think they will anyway.
Do you know what species they are and I will give you a little more insight.
erm.....not to sure , one had gardneri nigerianus i think...definatly gardneri in the name and im not sure about the other, A somthing lol i know alot start with a, he's yellow with just red spots all over probably not a good description lol!
There is also the issue with some killies not liking other males of their species. because some species look so very much alike, this can often lead to serious scraps. If you could post a picture, it would be easier for people to dientify your fish. I'm little use with killies but I think BigC would probably be able to get an ID.
Your second discription is very vague, I think you are trying to get the word Aphyosemion out. (A-foe-sim-e-on) of which there are so many. (really need a pic) The first one is no problem Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus ______. The line denotes the location or code assigned to this species. But dont worry that's only for the purists. Fp.gar.nig. are considered alright for the community aquarium. I have in with mine at the moment 25 corydoras pygmeaus and none have gone missing. (they are well fed though) so no problems there.
They will be OK in neutral water (pH7) or slightly above. You will even get the odd fry here and there.
Breeding is totall different though. But from your last reply you are not too bothered about this.
So in answer to your original question then would be YES in your case. Just to be sure though keep observing their antics to see if anything untoward is happening. If you can get me a pic of you other male then I might be able to identify that for you as well.
If you need any more indepth info on Fp.gardneri then let me know.
There is also the issue with some killies not liking other males
Sylvia is correct in her assumption. (I'm so used to keeping species seperate I forgot the fundamentals).
they really dont look alike at all to me they have different body shapes and faces, they are both completly different colors one is yellow, and the other is red and trying to take some photos but im not very good at it...(neither is the camera lol)
A pic would be excellent. (camera phone if nothing else)
managed to get some camera phone pics so sorry for the quality


this is the female of the 1st pair


this is the male of the pair...sorry it was the only picture i could get....




this is the male of the second pair


and this is the female?

dont know if they will help...but i cant find my camera...
Your pictures are vague but it's def. a species of Nothobranchius. possibly Guntheri but I cannot be 100% sure due to the clarity of the pics. Has it got a black edge to the external edge of the caudal fin.
In any case they are annual killifish from around the Tanzania area and they will be fine with the others just don't expect a very long lifespan (8-14mths) the female and male for that matter are a bit lean and need feeding up a little normally I would feed these livefoods but you might get away with frozen Bloodworm & Brineshrimp, they will not like the flake too much.
If you need any more indepth info then let me know. I dont want to give you information overload as I have been chastised on here before about going overboard.
hey thanks...sorry i couldnt get better pictures... ......the 'yellow' ones are accepting flake and frozen foods, grey female also...the male 'blue' is proving a little fussier with the flake, but ok with the frozen....they have been doing fine toghter in the tank for the past 2 days now....thanks for the info...! :D edit- oh yea and the one i couldnt find is the guntheri thanks
do kills puff there faces.......i think thats what mines doing..i think he's looking at his reflection in the glass and puffing out the bottom of his face....or am i wrong?
Its a threatening stance (male to male), Nothos swell their gill plates and make eratic movements. He probably see his reflection in the glass.

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