Killi Board

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Its all about supply and demand, if there is enough demand for a topic then we will supply it. The matter is now under discussion in the mods forum and the early prognosis looks good

The point being... there isn't enough demand! There are over teenfold more posts about bichirs, and yes, it may only be about senegals with a few delhezi and similar chucked in, but then most killie posts will probably be about assorted panchax (which almost all of the ones now are about) with a few other species occasionally. There are probably more posts about rays than killies!

We can't have like minded aquarists going to other forums to find out info on certain fish species,

I don't see why not. I have to go elsewhere for almost all my info, and I'm sure others have the same problems.

And just for the record, I do have killies. A pair of american flag fish. They're awful. Even the tetras are more interesting.
If you get your way loko and a killi forum is made , I would expect you to write up some pinned threads - and good ones . I'm quite sure everyone else would expect the same . Just sayin'. ;)
And just for the record, I do have killies. A pair of american flag fish. They're awful
???? What did you buy them for!!!!!
Because I didn't think they would be :lol: Having read the PFK article they sounded like very good fish, but, well, they;'re not.
they sounded like very good fish, but, well, they;'re not.
What do you deem to be a good fish Feeshy &
What do you propose to do with the Jordanella's.
Feeshy why the sudden disrespect for the killi society, If you came onto this forum tomorrow and say a bichir forum is needed and provided good evidence like I think we've done here I wouldnt dog you because I want the killi forum to come. I dont see why you have to make such a big deal about maybe having a killi forum when believe it or not there are more people now that own killies than there are that own bichirs or rays. And Furryrabbit I would be willing to work with others that are maybe more experienced than I am to write some good pinned topics for the forum if it is made and I'm sure a lot of people could benefit from there being a killi forum. Now All I say is all of you killi people lets go onto the oddballs or the chit chat forum and say some things about killies, dont put stupid crap just to make a point like someone said put pictures and info on your killies and stuff. It can happen we've just gotta work on it. Oh and like furryrabbit said I would be expected to write some good posts to be pinned, This is an article I wrote about my killie species in oddballs and this is what you can base your decision on as far as how I would be as far as writing pinned topics.
they sounded like very good fish, but, well, they;'re not.
What do you deem to be a good fish Feeshy &
What do you propose to do with the Jordanella's.

1. Something that does something other than swim around aimlessly looking for food, looks nice, is an interesting species and doesn't take it upon themselves to make more mess on the sand than all the preds in the 40g :lol:
2. Depends, the tank their in is becoming a pseudo-stream biotype (with such fish as indian torrent catfish, non-parasitic trichomycteridae and the gorgeous garra flavatra) and they'll either have to stay in there or someone who doesn't mind a fish that is a swimming poop machine will want them.

Feeshy why the sudden disrespect for the killi society, If you came onto this forum tomorrow and say a bichir forum is needed and provided good evidence like I think we've done here I wouldnt dog you because I want the killi forum to come. I dont see why you have to make such a big deal about maybe having a killi forum when believe it or not there are more people now that own killies than there are that own bichirs or rays.

Disrespect? I see no disrespect. Every point I have made is valid, lets have another look shall we? Woohoo. A massive total of ten topics about killies, one of which is a pineed topic about mop-spawning, five of which are written by you and four of those five are highly unsuccessful attempts to make it look like ,apart from the odd fleeting question about common types, anyone apart from you or BigC is actually that into killies. Compare that to 13 eel topics, 6 ray topics, 8 bichir topic and 8 puffer topics. Over four pages, not looknig to good on the traffic front, is it :/ ? Whoever said that people would 'flock' here if there was a killie forum is wrong, why come to a fish forum when there are only two or so people who know much about them when you can go to a speciali?t forum where most people know about most species and indeed, where they belong? Apart from the fact that you have asked, I still wonder what makes killies so much more important than other fish? Their care is mundane and easy compared to other fish that get lumped into the oddball section.
Feeshy, WHY are you getting so cross? Why do you have a problem? Have you asked for something on this forum in the past and not got it? Is this why?

Surely it's up to the mods to see if this gets off the ground or not. I don't really see why you should be that bothered. Will it make any difference to you and your enjoyment of this forum if there was a killi section?

I would like to see one formed, but if it doesn't then so be it. It's true everyone likes their fav species to be included, but has anyone else actually asked? [They may have done as I havn't been here very long.] So please calm down.
Feeshy is only saying the other reasons why the killi section isn't such a good idea, keeping it showing both sides of this. I'm with her on this, I don't really think there's a need for it.
I would like to see one formed, but if it doesn't then so be it.
I agree with what my fellow member has said.
It would be nice but if not, then it doesen't really matter a great deal.
I also agree with you Feeshy to a certain extent about the traffic But then again why not have sub headings within the oddball section for Killifish - Bichirs - Puffers, Rays etc. this would simplify things somewhat. Realistically at present I personally cannot see Killifish becomming a main frontpage feature on the forum but a sub-headding in the Oddball section would be nice.
With a killifish forum i think it might encourage forum users to be more itnerested in the fish. I know one of the main reasons I've never considered them is that I've never felt like I know enough about them (other than lampeyes and golden wonder panchax).
Feeshy, WHY are you getting so cross? Why do you have a problem? Have you asked for something on this forum in the past and not got it? Is this why?

I'm not cross :huh: I'm putting my point across. It's a 'forum' and in the true tradition of Roman forums debates are one of the main points. At least I'm sticking up for what I beleive in until the bitter end, anyone who gives up arguing either has run out of reasons or isn't that bothered about what they're arguing about. And I've never asked for anything really, apart from a limit on username length (which is annoying to everyone), although I certainly would if I saw the point (such things like continually dividing forums, of which there is no point).

Surely it's up to the mods to see if this gets off the ground or not.

Indeed, but it would be an even more stupid descision if they didn't take into account those who are against the idea. I certainly am not the only one against it, whereas very few are for it, and even those who are are following in the footsteps of 'yes men'. Or women.

I don't really see why you should be that bothered. Will it make any difference to you and your enjoyment of this forum if there was a killi section?

It would, actually. 1. It would make it even harder to navigate, 2. It would spoil my enjoyment by discriminating against much more popular fish groups, and also litter the forum with a sub-section that is very rarely used. And even if it is, I bet almost all of the posts will be about panchax (like most of them are now).

It's true everyone likes their fav species to be included, but has anyone else actually asked?
No, becasue it seems everyone other than you killie nuts realise the problems associated with that :lol:

Realistically at present I personally cannot see Killifish becomming a main frontpage feature on the forum but a sub-headding in the Oddball section would be nice.

I do agree, but that brings up the whole navigation problem... And it means more mods are needed, more work for all mods (constant sorting into new section, be like the post office :p) and there's still going to have to be that non-specific 'other' title...
OohFeeshy I dont see what your problem is, If there is a killi forum made, you dont have to use it if you're so against it. I agree that sub headings would be very good and probably a better option than a seperate forum and if theres problems with mods navigating all of the subsections each mod could be assigned to one and if noones willing to then I'm sure that they could find one or 2 people for each sub forum. For example myself and BigC could do it for the killi sub forum since we're the "only ones" interested in killies which is a false statement to say the least. Its in the mods hands now but I'm sure a lot of people would benefit like i've said before.
How many people here have killis.. maybe 4 or 5..

How many posts per week are there about killis?

I don't understand how having a forum is going to encourage killi fans to come here..

Do you think the 4 or 5 of you that have killis are going to post 5 times as much about them just because there is a forum?

It makes no sense.
hey now, no bashing killi nuts. i love them, but i'm not clamoring for a forum because i have nothing to add about them that would fill up a forum. a forum will not necessarily bring specialists here, an empty looking forum does not necessarily cause a vacuum nor does it draw interest. It is far too early for a forum.
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