Feeshy, WHY are you getting so cross? Why do you have a problem? Have you asked for something on this forum in the past and not got it? Is this why?
I'm not cross
I'm putting my point across. It's a 'forum' and in the true tradition of Roman forums debates are one of the main points. At least I'm sticking up for what I beleive in until the bitter end, anyone who gives up arguing either has run out of reasons or isn't that bothered about what they're arguing about. And I've never asked for anything really, apart from a limit on username length (which is annoying to everyone), although I certainly would if I saw the point (such things like continually dividing forums, of which there is no point).
Surely it's up to the mods to see if this gets off the ground or not.
Indeed, but it would be an even more stupid descision if they didn't take into account those who are against the idea. I certainly am not the only one against it, whereas very few are for it, and even those who are are following in the footsteps of 'yes men'. Or women.
I don't really see why you should be that bothered. Will it make any difference to you and your enjoyment of this forum if there was a killi section?
It would, actually. 1. It would make it even harder to navigate, 2. It would spoil my enjoyment by discriminating against much more popular fish groups, and also litter the forum with a sub-section that is very rarely used. And even if it is, I bet almost all of the posts will be about panchax (like most of them are now).
It's true everyone likes their fav species to be included, but has anyone else actually asked?
No, becasue it seems everyone other than you killie nuts realise the problems associated with that
Realistically at present I personally cannot see Killifish becomming a main frontpage feature on the forum but a sub-headding in the Oddball section would be nice.
I do agree, but that brings up the whole navigation problem... And it means more mods are needed, more work for all mods (constant sorting into new section, be like the post office
) and there's still going to have to be that non-specific 'other' title...