Khuli Loach Vs. Snails


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
i have a 20gal. planted tank and i have a small snail population. will a khuli loach get rid of them all or will it just keep them under control?
Not sure if the khuli's will do anything, though clown loaches are well known for taking care of snails. If you want, you could make it a coldwater tank... I'm sure goldfish would take care of the snail infestation. ^_^
Kuhli - No.

But any Botia (Clown, Yoyo, Kubotai, Zebra ...) will.

Khulis will eat snails but don't actively hunt them down like other loaches. Your tank is too small for clown loaches but a group of zebras or chain loach would be great, any loach which stays small really. This site shows other loaches for you to consider.

Emma :D
I feel your pain, snails are currently taking over my tank. I'm debating whether or not to buy a loach or just attempt to use the crush them. I don't think my lfs's have a variety of loaches and I don't think a single loach in a tank would be happy. Suggestions?
I mean, as emma said, i think they do eat snails but it is pot luck really, i found this on another website:
They are also a great way to reduce the population of small snails that can quickly overrun your tank.

maybe that person just got lucky...
Kuhlis will eat snails but small ones, no bigger than 2-3mm in size. And they won't decimate the population. I have 5 Kuhlis in a 10 and still have a number of pond snails in there.
Send your snails to dwarfpuffer will love hunting them! :drool:
hi all,

I have just added 5 malaysian trumpet snails to my 54l (~14G US) to help keep the tank clean.
However I have read that they can quickly multiply and I dont want my tank to be overrun! :S

Would a small group of khuli loach help to keep the population low by eating any offspring without eating the larger snails that are in there now?

Thanx, Graeme
here is a list of fish i have found eat snails:
senegal bichir
catfish(chocolate, corys, etc.)
some large tetras and barbs
would those fish listed and the zebras end up scoffing every single snail or would ther still be a number of them left? as I dont want my snails 2 disappear completely!
here is a list of fish i have found eat snails:
senegal bichir
catfish(chocolate, corys, etc.)
some large tetras and barbs

do corys really eat snails! i have like 20 corys and 1000 snails.
my rtbs though seemed to eat them ever since he moved due to aggresion issues the snail population has gone wild.
My Redtail Shark dont touch them!
My corys would bite the antennae on big apple snails, but leave everything else alone. Cichlids like snails, too - since I got my two keyholes, the pond snails that evade my daily fork attack have disappeared and I've been noticing less and less ramshorns.

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