Kh Degrees....


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Runnymede, UK
I'm trying to figure out my CO2 levels using Chuck's calculator, but can't get hold of a KH test kit anywhere....they all seem to be sold out everywhere :sad:

For the time being, Three Valleys Water (my suppliers) have an online database that gives the hardness of the water as follows :

27th November 2006

Bagshot/Sunninghill (Water Supply Zone)

The area supplied by Three Valleys Water has 'hard' water. The hardness occurs naturally and is characterised by the presence of high levels of calcium and magnesium, which are good for healthy teeth and bones.

CALCIUM 115 mg/l
Calcium is the principal constituent of hardness.

Total hardness is usually expressed in terms of calcium carbonate and is measured in milligrammes per litre (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm). The recognised classification scheme we are using is: 0-75 soft, 76-150 moderately hard, 151-300 hard, 300+ very hard. Your water is hard.

Degrees English (or Clarke) 20
This hardness measurement is used on some British appliances.

Degrees German 16
This is used on some German appliances.

Degrees French 29
This is used on some French appliances.

MILLIMOLS 2.9 mmol/l

Millimols per litre. Some appliances refer to water hardness in millimols per litre (mmol/l).

So which do I use in the calculator?

I'm confoosed (again) :blink:
i'd have to check my documentation, but i think the degrees we generally measure are the german variety
The german one must be the one i use then... if you multiply the TOTAL HARDNESS 287 mg/l by 0.056 (which is the calculation my test kit told me to do) you get the result in degrees.. which is a KH of 16.. you are almost in the liquid rock category.. are you looking to keep Mbuna ;)

The german one must be the one i use then... if you multiply the TOTAL HARDNESS 287 mg/l by 0.056 (which is the calculation my test kit told me to do) you get the result in degrees.. which is a KH of 16.. you are almost in the liquid rock category.. are you looking to keep Mbuna ;)



It is a bit like liquid rock....I'm experimenting with ADA aquasoil to see what effect it has on my KH...when I can get a KH test kit, that is!

I've got another question whilst I'm here....I've got a piece of bogwood in the tank...I know this lowers pH, but will it affect my CO2 calculations?

I wish I'd done a chemistry degree instead of Geography ;)
In my experience the standard bogwood or monpai (sp?) doesn't do anything to pH. There is a type that is actually taken from bogs that will lower pH by lowering KH, well thats what it did in my tank anyway.

My PH is definately lower due to the bogwood, however, the piece that I have is a really gnarly, dark, dense bit of wood. So i guess it depends on how much you have in the tank.

OK...I'm getting there slowly!

The 287mg/l is referring to the GH of the water, and the 115mg/l is the KH....

I found a KH/GH test kit, and the figures it gives match up with those of the water company. I also found This Site which details the difference between the two.

So my target PH becomes 6.9. This makes more sense, as my aquarium water was sitting at around 7.2, even without CO2 injection -_-

I'm a little less confoosed now! Thanks for all your help :good:

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