

New Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Hello Every1.

Im new here, but I have been keeping fish for about 4 or 5 years.
I have a mature well established community tank, which had a pair of keyhols.
Last Thursday I added some small panda corys, I didnt think my keyholes would be any threat because they've always been so peaceful and unaggressive. Well as soon as I introduces my panda corys into the tank my keyholes started attacking them, I assume they thought they were food. Luckily I had another well planted cycled tank (which i was using to house few pregant guppies) which I quickly transfered my keyholes into.
None of my pandas where seriously injured and all seem to have full recovered from thier attack.
I was planning on introducing my keyholes into this tank at some point to try and breed them but I didnt think the female was old enough, which as why I was using it to raise my guppies.

The keyholes settled into thier new home whithin hours and were out from hiding.
I wasn't expecting anything for a while, I assumed even if the female was full of eggs that the stress of capture and the move would have delayed it all until they had been in the tank for a while.
So I was very surprised so see the female cleaning a flat rock near the entance to a cave a day or two later.
I know they clean the surface of a rock or somewhere flat to spawn but i assumed she was just "practicing".
When I checked on them again later that night I was shocked and thrilled to see that the female was now guarding a cluth of eggs. I coulnt beleive it. If I thought for a second they might spawn I would have watched them all night. I unfortunatly missed the laying and have no idea if they have been fertilised or not.
This the pairs first spawning so I was preparing for the eggs to have been eaten by the morning. Luckily the parents havnt eaten them, they are now almost three days old. My keyholes seem to be very good parents, the female spends most her time hovering above the eggs fanning fresh was over them, the male also takes his turn to guard and fan the eggs while shes away lookin for food.

I joined this forum because detailed information on keyholes isnt that easy to find on the net.
Here are a few photos of the newly laid eggs and the female fanning/gurding them.

I know they are bit blurry but my camara isnt that good, just thought it might of interest to someone.

Comments welcome.

Grrrr - envy envy envy :<

Im still waiting for mine to breed after having them and seeing them clean rocks many a time.

Maybe the cories kept getting near their favourite rock in the other tank, so they chased the cories away.
Sadly the eggs where gone when i checked on them this morning :-(
Im presuming the female has eaten them
Im gutted but it was only their first attemt so im hoping things will go beeter next time, fingers crossed.

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