Keeping Fish Tanks In Your Room

I doubt that's true somehow! Maybe in some very very slight way but not enough to make a noticeable difference! I have 3 in my room all with heaters and I don't feel the heat! In fact my room is always cold :/ Let's hope it's not true anyway otherwise i'm gonna die because I ain't giving up fish-keeping!! :D
gasp....gasp..... don't.... gasp..... forget.... to..... feed... gasp... the fish... ... arrrggghhh.
haha. I can see it now. My filters are pouring all the oxygen from my room into my water.
My aquatic plants stop consuming CO2 and start taking only 02
I'm in my sleep....

No. I have a 38 and a 10. the only thing you have to do is turn on a fan to keep the humidity down :p
well i think these mean the guy was totaly wrong

thnx for your help
I have to say, I had childhood asthma, I also had a three foot fish tank in a relatively small bedroom. Thinking about it, the only time I had attacks at night was when I didn't have a fishtank in my room!!

If you have an asthma attack, you actually need to raise the humidity, my doctor told my parents to put a kettle boiling in my room or a bowl of water under the radiator, so I don't think fish tanks affect asthma.

I was told to get rid of my birdhouse (budgies and cockatiels) because of being allergic to feathers, nothing about the fish tank though!

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