Juwel Trigon 190


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
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Hi i have a Juwel Trigon 190 and would like to know where the red fill line should be for the water level....if someone could measure the level from the top of the tank (plastic rim) i would be most grateful....

The red fill line is about 5cm from the top of the tank, however if you have a hood on, the bottom of the sticker is paralel with the bottom lip of the hood.

Hope this helps, Mike
ok, so that leaves bthe top of the filter protruding out of the water by about 1"?
ok, so that leaves bthe top of the filter protruding out of the water by about 1"?

that sounds about right... there are slots in the side for the water to enter through - from memory the water level is about 3/4 od the way up those...

I need to top ours up today and will have a look for you (its the 350 though)
Not sure about the filter to be honest, as i took mine out and im just using a eheim 2026!

How long have u had your 190l? ivw had mine about 3 weeks now!

probably about two or three months. lovely tank. what made you take the filter out?
probably about two or three months. lovely tank. what made you take the filter out?

they are not that good... if you stock the tank well - you wil need extra filtration ;)

we're running a fluval 404 external alog sid eht einternal on the 350 ;)

now... I've filled out tank back up and the red fill line is about 20mm above the plastic surround - hope this helps ;)
well i believe the best thing to go by in the tank is the filter. can you please tell me how far out the filter is from the top level of the water?
cool thats about the same for mine! cheers guys.........all cuz they forgot my red sticker lol :-(

Yeah I took it out coz i heard they are not that good, but also coz i didnt want a big black box in my tank! However saying that i now have a few cables going all over the place, but i hope my plants will cover them in time!

Got a eheim filter for the first time as i hear they are great filters, so i just hope they are!


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