Juwel Rekord 96 And Bn Plec


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi, just purchased this tank, its about 20 imperial gallons - am currently cycling it and am beginning to plan for some new additions.

Firstly, would a BN plec be too bog for this size tank? ive seen contrasting reports.

Secondly, how about some Blue Rams, what woudl go nicely with them?

Advice / opinion welcome!

I have a BN pleco in my 20 gal. They are small plecos and as long at your tank is bigger than 12 inches by 12 inches, it will be fine in my opinion. Please note that a pleco should be the last fish added to your tank. You need to let the tank get "dirty" enough for the pleco.
most community fish are ok with rams and you would be able to put a pair of bristlenose in their easy!!! :good:
Cheers for that, is one male ok on its own and do i need bogwood?

Are there any major compatibility issues with BN plecs?

Has anybody else got a similar size tank or the same one? id be interested to hear what you have in yours for stocking ideas.

BN plecos are tough fish and will teach their attacker a thing or two. If they are safe and okay with mbuna then I think they are fine with anything... maybe not piranhas haha.

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