Juwel Pump 600 And Airation Of Community Tank


New Member
Aug 29, 2008
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Hi all,

I've just purchased a second hand Juwel Rio 125 as my first tank after moving house and decorating. I have kept fish before in my parents tank, a larger Juwel, however not to the level that everyone on here seems to be at. I would definately describe myself as an amateur fish keeper but hoping to improve my skills with the help of this forum :) I'm just in the process of setting up my new tank and have the substrate and basic ornaments in place and plants on order. The tank will house a community tropical setup.

I would like some advice about the pump in the tank and the amount of airation. The pump is the original Juwel supplied one, a pump 600 I believe. However it was not supplied with the tube for feeding air to it. There was however another separate airation unit provided with the tank which has a similar tube which I have attached to the pump and this seems to work fairly well.

My question is, how much air should I be adding in to the "mix"? Is it worth trying to get hold of a Juwel supplied air tube?

Thanks for any help,

You can put as much aeriation in as you like as long its not to a point of slinging the fish all over...

ps, how are you going about cycling the tank to mature the filter?
Thanks 5teady, that puts my mind at rest.

In terms of cycling, I have studied the sticky post in the new to the hobby forum and would like to perform a fishless cycle. I have been out today to a local shop looking for ammonia and a suitable test kit. I couldn't find any ammonia and the test kits all seemed to be separate ones at about £7 -10 per kit. I need to find a good and reasonably priced supplier of these items before I can do the fishless cycle. I am expecting my plants this week and I'm not in a massive rush to get fish in there, so hopefully I'll be able to cycle the tank before adding fish.
Hi all,

I've just purchased a second hand Juwel Rio 125 as my first tank after moving house and decorating. I have kept fish before in my parents tank, a larger Juwel, however not to the level that everyone on here seems to be at. I would definately describe myself as an amateur fish keeper but hoping to improve my skills with the help of this forum :) I'm just in the process of setting up my new tank and have the substrate and basic ornaments in place and plants on order. The tank will house a community tropical setup.

I would like some advice about the pump in the tank and the amount of airation. The pump is the original Juwel supplied one, a pump 600 I believe. However it was not supplied with the tube for feeding air to it. There was however another separate airation unit provided with the tank which has a similar tube which I have attached to the pump and this seems to work fairly well.

My question is, how much air should I be adding in to the "mix"? Is it worth trying to get hold of a Juwel supplied air tube?

Thanks for any help,

i think you may be labouring under a misapprehension here! the 600 power head and the filter are nothing to do with adding air to your tank, well they can be made to have an effect, but that is not their main job. this unit is intended to scrub clean and hold a colony, or more correctly, colonies of bacteria that eat much of the waste your fish make.
Thanks boboboy, I was under the impression that the filter should put air into the tank also. It seems I don't need to worry about the oxygen level in the tank. Is this the case?
You don't often have to worry about oxygen levels, unless you far overstock. Some people just like air ornaments!
Thanks boboboy, I was under the impression that the filter should put air into the tank also. It seems I don't need to worry about the oxygen level in the tank. Is this the case?
there are indeed some filters that allow you to pass air through them. however on this filter, putting air through the pump, could, cause real problems. most noticeably overheating of the induction motor.
but placing the outlet of your filter, on or at the surface, will add O2 to your water. far more in fact than any air stones of ornaments will.
Thanks for all your help on this one. I think I will remove the air tube in that case as it seems to get bursts of air through, which is a little annoying. I think this is because it isn't the original tubing.


Hi, if you want more current Juwel sell a Venturi kit. It simply fits on to the outlet pipe and works very well. I have a Rio300 and I had one on my Rekord96 as well. I also have an airstone which I only have on in the evening. :)
Hi, if you want more current Juwel sell a Venturi kit. It simply fits on to the outlet pipe and works very well. I have a Rio300 and I had one on my Rekord96 as well. I also have an airstone which I only have on in the evening. :)

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JUWEL-VENTURI-NOZZLE-SET_W0QQitemZ220275265448QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220275265448&_trkparms=72%3A12|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JUWEL-VENTURI-NOZZLE...id=p3286.c0.m14</a>

I tried to edit my post but messed up! Hope the link works. :)
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Thanks 5teady, that puts my mind at rest.

In terms of cycling, I have studied the sticky post in the new to the hobby forum and would like to perform a fishless cycle. I have been out today to a local shop looking for ammonia and a suitable test kit. I couldn't find any ammonia and the test kits all seemed to be separate ones at about £7 -10 per kit. I need to find a good and reasonably priced supplier of these items before I can do the fishless cycle. I am expecting my plants this week and I'm not in a massive rush to get fish in there, so hopefully I'll be able to cycle the tank before adding fish.


these test kits seem to the be the ones recommended around these parts and is what I use, not so expensive either.
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