Just When I Find Some Pygmies..


Fish Herder
Jan 22, 2011
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We found some corydora habrosus today, but I was unsure whether they were pygmies. When asking the staff 'Are these pygmy corydoras?' he asked someone, came back and said 'These are corydora habrosus.' and I left with 3 endlers.
I've been looking for pygmies for aaages, and just when I find them I didn't know they were there.
Oh poo! :angry:
We found some corydora habrosus today, but I was unsure whether they were pygmies. When asking the staff 'Are these pygmy corydoras?' he asked someone, came back and said 'These are corydora habrosus.' and I left with 3 endlers.
I've been looking for pygmies for aaages, and just when I find them I didn't know they were there.
Oh poo!

At least Pygmy's are relatively hard to find, one of my local pet shops got in a heap of Peppered Cory's and ran out of common tags so they then put up a tag with the scientific name and tried to pass them off as a different variety. I know at least one of the senior staff (who possibly didin'y know much about cory's) was doing this because when I had innocently asked if they had any Many Spot cory's she had a quick look in the different tanks and took me to the scientific named tank of Peppereds telling me that was the only other cory they had at the time. And to add insult to incredulous they had the scientific named Peppereds more expensive than the common named. It should be common practice for LFS and Pet shops to put on clear display both the common and scientific names of the species they sell rather than just a name and the price and try to learn a bit about the creatures they stock and are blissflly selling to the public. Oh and the senior staff member that tried to lead me astray..... is the owner of that particular patshop.
Wharf Aquatics in pinxton have some of these in at the moment :)


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