Just Started


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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ive just started a new tank ive not got any fish yet.
got any ideas on a good starting fish
Tank size (dimensions), type of setup you're after? There's plenty of time to think of stocking options while you're cycling.
get a small tank (not too small) and get a betta! i had 2paradise fish! then got a new tank and a betta n its easy to look after :good:
Make sure your tank is fully cycled. You want zero for Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates.
Can't suggest fish without knowing the tank size. As mentioned, please do a fishless cycle. It will make your life and your fish's much easier.
i have a rekord 96 tank and im lookin for more unusual fish, can u recomend any good fish shops in the uk to get em from
before you get any fish we need to know if you tank is cycled, what are your water stats?
no its not been cycled yet but it will be soon,
i have my own ph kit soo i will test it wen its ready
you will also need to test the ammonia nitrate and nitrite as they are a important part of you cycling process and fish keeping :good:
yeh i will do, but do u have any ideas for a good starter, what did u get? did they last long
There's no such thing as 'starter fish'. The tank is about 25g, and since you mentioned 'unusual' fish, perhaps look in the Oddballs section.
no its not been cycled yet but it will be soon,
How long has it been cycling for? What are your water stats? How are you cycling it?

What you must test for is Amonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, these tests are essential as you wont know if your tank has cycled without them. Amonia and Nitrite must always test at 0 and Nitrate around 20.

Two other tests that are worth investing in are for gh & kh, so that you can buy fish to suit your water.

Ensure that you purchase liquid test kits, NOT the 5 in 1 paper test strips, the test strips are known for being inaccurate and a waste of money.

i have my own ph kit soo i will test it wen its ready
Don't worry about the ph, let that look after itself, by all means test it to find out what it is so that you can buy fish to suit, but do not go trying to change it, this will do more harm than good to any fish you may get.

Another bottle for your "essentials" cupboard is water conditioner/dechlorinator.

Whatever fish you choose to get, make sure that you research them (don't rely on what the LFS tells you) and make sure that they are compatible with each other, your tank size and water type before you get them.
I did a cycle WITH fish. I used glowlight danios, they're cute, fun and colourful and we didn't lose a single one.

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