Just Started

I did a cycle WITH fish. I used glowlight danios, they're cute, fun and colourful and we didn't lose a single one.
Thanks 'ghostchoir' for telling us that a cycle with 'danios' will work because that made me feel a little less worried because I was thinging of cycling a -55gal community tank-55gal goldfish tank-10gal hospital tank. With 'danios. :good:

A cycle with fish will work but it takes just as long and is a whole lot more work. You have to do daily water changes to keep the ammonia levels low and you really stress your fish. Once you finally get to 0 ammonia and nitrite, you add more fish and go through the same thing again. Unless you plan to start all those tanks at once, I suggest doing a fishless cycle on one of them and then using some media from that tank to jump start the other 2.

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