Just Made A "tree"

The leggy plants on the right side. Of the tank.
Sorry had bit of oldtimers while typing, and forgot to say plant.

You know it's not bad when you walk into a room and forget why you were going in there. It's when you walk back out and forget why you left the room.
LOL ... I have the same problem.
The icky plant is a hygrophilia kompakt. Very pretty when I first got it, but now it looks like this. I'll yank it out in a minute. 
The latest incarnation. I'm starting to like the grouping on the left, but I'm at a bit of a loss about the crypts and vallis hanging out in the middle. I'm kind of meh about the tree (and that's what started all this). Opinions, good and bad, please.
Option one: yank the tree, it looks nice, but not in this scape.

Option two: yank the tree and crypts and valis.

Option three: yank the tree clump crypts and valis with the other plants for a triangle.

With all above options leave the wood and other plants as they are.

Option four: get drunk and worry about it later.
I'm already working on Option four.
Seriously, do you like the look of the left side?
I'd like to get a huge amazon sword for the right corner, and put the !@#$$^ tree in the cory tank. It's about the right size.
I'm only having two drinks tonight. We won't tell that they're about 32 oz. each, okay?
I think the problem is that the tree wants to be a centerpiece of some sorts but it doesn't have much height to it, so it looks odd by itself, but competes with everything else. I would try replacing it with a sword, that might do the trick.
Agree, about the tree.
If you want a sword on the right do it.
Yes I think the left side looks great.

Cheater about the drinks, mine were only 12oz. Might have more than two tonight. Finnaly have a day off, they don't want to pay overtime. So looking forward to housework and much needed tank maintinence.
I tried something different, but you'll just have to wait until it gets dark so I can take a photo. 
Please pardon the crappy photography and the excess algae (working on it ...). 
Tried to steer you toward a triangle.
But I am afraid the tree has to go.
Okay, I LOVE the grouping on the left, that has some real potential! That is going to look awesome when the Java Fern starts getting big. I personally wouldn't touch that. 
The tree looks a lot better where it is now. But something needs to be put at the back. I would suggest getting a black backing, give some depth to the tank, and put a wall of Vallis half way along the back, and halfway up the side of the tank next to the tree. That will certainly fill it out a bit. Stick some Java Fern around the base of the tree too. It will fill it out more, and take away the look of a stick with moss on it - if that makes sense! 
As for in between the wood and tree, what about a little lawn of Hair Grass. Trim it a little shorter then what it comes, break into little clumps, and plant it in a lawn effect. 
I think it's time for me to get my paint skills out!

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