Just Made A "tree"

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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I tried to make a willow looking tree, first using Super Glue Gel (it didn't stick) so I ended up using thread, and here's what the "tree" looks like. I'm going for kind of a willow tree look. I'm going to let it be for a while before I trim it.
This tank desperately needs a rescape, but I was anxious to try this. Any suggestions are more than welcome! (Now you know why I haven't entered TOTM!)
I knew there was a reason I liked you.
My first thought with the tree idea was a willow.
You don't so much need a rescape as a bit more planting.
What moss did you use?

Nah, it needs a reshape. I've got a couple of tall plants in the front and it just looks kind of willy nilly to me.
The moss is a combination of Christmas tree and java.
Okay, two simple plans.
1. Just leave it alone and don't look at it.
2. Get mad and chuck the whole thing.

Or start with what plants do you have in the tank now?
What plants do you like?
What kind of scape are you shooting for?

At present I would say the tree is too centered and somewhat competes with the tall driftwood as a focal point.
I don't know enough about aquascaping to know really what I'm doing, but I agree about the tree and the tall wood. I think to start, I'll get the vertical wood over to the left in front of the filter intake, get the hygrophilia kompakt next to it, and then I have no idea what to do with the horizontal driftwood that has an anubia and java fern. Not to mention all the little crypts.
I'll probably end up pulling it all apart. Gah. 
I love the combination of the two mosses, and it does look like a willow tree, so much that it was my first thought before I even read that you had planned it that way :)
I would def. move the vertical wood elsewhere. I always feel much better about the centerpiece being a little off centered, but that's just me..  I had a really hard time with my crypts as well. I love the way they look, but planting them and having them look well placed was really tough for me. In the end I just bought a bunch more of them and kinda grouped them together in front of taller plants and placed some rocks and stuff in from of them lol. 
I think you've got a good start, i think it just looks a little scattered. Try grouping things together, like the pieces of wood, and the rocks, then group the plants together more. You might like the way that looks better. If you had the tree to one side, and the plants and wood and things on the other and some negative space in the middle, that would look good too.     
That's the problem with aquascaping, it's never quite right.
I got one for you. Am wanting to do a loose South American biotope in the 55gal. Not much to choose from other than swords.

Plenty on aquascaping here and elsewhere.
Basics, tall plants in back and short in front. Unless it is a very big tank stick to one focal point. The focal point should be placed via the golden ratio. An algebraic equation, but I just go with 3/4 the length of the tank and 3/4 the width of the tank.
At present mine is open, as I am still looking for the right wood. Well honestly most of the tank is open as I keep having to use my fish budget elsewhere.
Anyway it really boils down to personal prefrence. I just like heavily planted tanks.

And the tree idea is great. On another site a hypothetical came up for a scape for a big tank. Some one suggested a mini landscape with lots of small schooling fish as"birds". Mountains are easy. So are grasslands and desserts. Pea gravel for a river, but trees stumped me.
Of course, till I am wealthy, and have room it will stay on paper.
Well, I'm sorely lacking in a couple of departments. Money and and LFS. But I do have determination, so maybe something can come of this.
I really like your ideas, greenmumma, and yours too, frapadoodle. I think once our firewood delivery happens I'll roll up my sleeves and try some rearranging. I wish I could put the fish somewhere but they'll have to put up with me doing the rescape.
Then it's on to the 55g. 
Good luck with the firewood and rescape :)
for me, I could sit around and think and think about in the end it just came down to me moving things around until I liked the way that it looked. I think once you get in there, you'll figure it out.
Thanks. Firewood is safely in its place now and some is happily burning in the furnace. 

I have a plan in mind for the scape, and hopefully I'll be able to try it out this afternoon. *crossing fingers*
Cripes I just typed a bunch and lost it before I posted it. GAH!
Anyway, I got the chance to move some things around today and here's how it looks. I'm still not happy with it, but I think it looks (a little) better.
I'm thinking about turning the horizontal wood with the java fern and anubia 180º.  I'm wondering if I should trim the tree down to about an inch in length, or should I let it grab hold of the wood first?
Any suggestions are welcomed. I have a supply of rocks/stones and plants from other tanks. Help meeeeeeeeeee!
Okay, let the moss get hold on the wood before trimming.
Yank the tall plant on the right. Pop the tree in there and bingo a triangle scape.
So nothing at all on the left? I agree with yanking the tall plants. They've gotten leggy and ugly anyway.
I wouldn't say nothing. Leave the rock formation.
What is that on the right, by the way?

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