Just Introduced 3 More Bronze Cory To My Tank


Dec 17, 2009
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I had one bronze cory in my old 10gal i bought a new 125 litre tank and have now added 3 more they all stay together but my old one has taken a liking to one of the new ones hes constantly around it and ive not seem him leave it yet my old one rubs its self all over it does it just fancy it or are they fighting?
Well it sounds has though he's taken a fancy,probably have given him a girlfriend my tri's do that before and during breeding... :nod: keep a look out for little eggs :)

Good luck with them. :good:
Im guessing my old ones a he then as hes doing the chasing? and 2 of the new ones are girls as hes rubbing himself all over another one now.

After hes had a good rub he seems to go over to my new plant and rub himself all over that too and he does little barrel rolls and weaves in and out of it? is this normal also?

Hmmm that he could be a she...females do that when they're spawning...have a check under the plant the cory was under,see if there's any eggs...

maybe wrong though :lol:
No eggs but there so interested in each other there all over each other i might move all 4 of them into my old ten gal and see what happens.. what do you think? the 3 new ones only went in today though so would it be best to leave them alone for a bit?
Personally hon would say leave them to settle in a bit to their new surroundings as coming back from the store can be a bit of a shock, in the meantime get their home prepped and settled with a mature filter and stats of the tank the same and you are rolling! They sound so very cute :wub:
Ok cool il leave them alone for a few weeks them maybe move them into the 10gal and see if they would like to breed.

There dead cute corys are my new fave fish they have loads of personality and are so interesting to watch especially now there's a group.

if they are showing signs of spawning which it does sound like, then dont worry as once they have spawned once they will spawn again. let them settle as mentioned above for a few weeks so they arent stressed out from all the moves and let them do their thing in their own time. dont rush or try to force them to spawn as they will do it when they are ready :good:
Yea il leave them alone then i think i just got a bit exited that they might have babies lol.


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