Saw my name. lol Hey Fishblast. I have been watching your progress for a while now and I am so impressed. Your tank has come a long way. Sorry for not commenting much, been dealing with some sick fishes I bought.
A fabric background is working wonderfully for me. It dries out after getting wet. It's washable. And looks great. I like your idea for making stars, could be really nice to look at. Like being at the beach at night. Mine are just different solid colors, but they are all shimmery fabric so they shine from different angles.
I think with the light substrate, dark background AND good lighting, you will be able to see all of your fish just fine.
Your new java fern was mucher greener then the one I bought. It went all spikey and in my disappointment I threw it out before I realized I could have kept 100's of new baby plantlets from it. If anything happens to yours remember that.
When you are looking for plants, maybe keep an eye out for some pennywort. It can be floated or planted, and the stem is a little sturdy on a good plant and can be puchsed into sand a few times until it decides to root down.
Thanks, but I still need to get more things for it and I have yet to get the nitrite kit. I've been blindly cycling with daily water changes for over 2 months before getting the big tank.
My dad won't lend me the money so I'm on my own here, but the good news is that the business will be back up soon so I might get paid soon. It went down due to some problems (and I'll be in charge of it for a while too pff...) Until then, I'm doing my water changes (small ones daily, big ones weekly), cleaning fry cage daily and the filter is cleaned monthly (in tank water) for best flow.
My swordtails have been multiplying too lol. Got 3 fry so far (1 was saved by my mom while I went to buy the new plant, I think I'll be in trouble if it doesn't end up female so I might be looking to trade a male for a female if it won't get along with its dad or brother) other 2 are a month old now, I didn't save too many as I have to restrict them so that I have no more than 6 in the end, best if just 5.
I think the background would be easy, just need a wooden frame, black cloth, possibly velvety material, some nice shiny thread (all 3 colors would be nice) and a rough design of the Milky Way ( studied that one for many months just for a 3D animation project... X_X ). The end result should be relaxing to look at.
I have researched all over the internet and found out that Java Fern may melt during the first week (to the point of losing all of its leaves) but as long as the rhizome is in circulating water and not buried or suffocated by rocks, it will grow new sprouts. I have yet to find any info on how fast a rhizome makes roots though, as I hope it roots onto the rocks soon, else my catfish might move it around like he did on the first evening. Found the fern all the way on the right side of the tank and the catfish under it. He's such an adorable little rascal.
I looked for pennywort just to see if they have it, wasn't looking to buy it, also looked for swords and such. They don't have swords or pennywort, saw some nice anubias at my favorite shop, but still saw the fern and went with it.
But the horrible care the other shop from the mall gave to its anubias... poor plants were CRYING (well, figuratively speaking, but they were torn apart, just like their bettas...)