Usually, Tzuppy will wiggle his mustaches at the camera, but since he ate enough and it was day time when I filmed, he just went to sleep.Tzuppy was obviously not amused with the filming then! Tank is coming along well...I am slowly but surely coming round to the idea of a few plants for my tank now that I am not housing a plant-ripping JD; I want dark of course to go with the decor! I have some flame moss coming for Meldrew my skeleton so he can be wigged up, and frogbit floating, with some water lettuce on its way to join it. Researching dark-leaved plants now...
He's now roaming the tank again, seems he likes the evening more than the day, but he'll be active during the morning too, asking for food at the surface when he sees the lid lifted. I'm glad he finally decided to leave my fern alone. He will be seen most of the time with his snout into its roots while sleeping, but he does slip through its leaves every now and then.
Still, he managed to rip away most of my water sprite and make some kind of nest for Bee's fry -.- (the nest can be seen in the video, it remained there since the day I bought the fern).
Some dark plants would be the Java Moss (maybe grown on some decor too) or them moss balls if arranged as some part of the floor or whatever your imagination can make out of them. Or maybe some red-leaved plants but I've heard they need lots of iron (might like my tap water, as 55 mg/l of iron + whatever comes from the pipeline would be heaven for them).