Just Had My First Jumper


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2007
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pretty self explanatory. I was feeding the fish and heard a big slash (bigger than normal) I just figured it was one of my bosemani rainbows hitting the surface. But then i look down and see a marble hatchet flopping around on the carpet. (good thing i didn't step to the left) i scooped it up and got him back in the tank within 10 seconds or so. hopefully it'll be alright.

I've got a glass top on my tank and cant believe you guys that dont have lids. How do you deal with this? I have to think it happens pretty often if you have hatchets or rainbows(or any other fish with some hops)
My nan nitted me my first jumper.... Ahh what a jumper it was..........

Lol j/k I have a heavy lid so I havent really had a jumper, Only when I was transfering fish. Harlequin rasbora can Jump really high!!!, he lived for a while :p
oh u poor thing, i had a very large blue gourami jump once ,landed in my trainer that was under the tank..was fine tho..shoes were dumped immediatly! eeeewwww...he just got chucked back in and carried on doing his fishy thing :lol:
I had an entire shoal of hatchetfish do this at once on me. They got spooked during feeding and scattered through the room. I only found a couple of them, and they didn't survive:(

I used to love hatchetfish, too, and now I'm borderline afraid of getting more.
Have only ever had one thing jump out the tank..... well - more of climb really.

The night after fitting a new cover to my tank, one of the shrimp made a break for it. It must have climbed up the heater cable, launched across the room and then wondered how to get back to water. I found it halfway down the stairs the next morning. It was a bit dry to say the least!!
I'm a bit terrified because I have an open top tank... may need to install some kind of a fence around the edge as soon as my emperor tetras arrive.

I used to have a weather loach long ago, who never realized he was supposed to be a bottom-dwelling fish. He'd mostly hang out among the floating frogbit - and repeatedly jump out of the tank, which was impressive since there was only a one-inch opening in the cover glass. I learned that weather loaches can survive on the carpet for a long time. :crazy:
When I used to work at a fish store, I came in one morning to open and found a large (8-10 inch) common pleco laying motionless on the floor. He had jumped out of a large open top display tank and was completely dry to the touch. I picked him up to carry him to the trash and just before I chucked him in he started making that croaky vibrating noise that they sometimes make. I dropped him back in the tank and within about a half of an hour, he was swimming around as if nothing had happened. Tough little guys!
My first escapie was a giant Danio god they were right little devils when i used to keep them

i was putting in a new plant the other day and one of my white cloud minnows jumped out of the tanklittle bugger was jumping all over the floor took a good while to catch him put him back in the tank and put the baby net in for him to recover in as he was a bit floaty and getting blown around by the filter and bumping into everything
the next morning he was back to normal and chasing the females again with no ill effects :)

My other escapies have been apple snails kept finding them on the floor until i found and blocked up the gap they were escaping from unfortunately my blue one has damaged his shell i'm justhoping as it grows it will heal as he's a bit lethargic still :(
The only thing i have ever had escape was a ausralian yabby that was abot 15 cm long with 1 huge claw. he had gotton out of the tank somehow then crawed down the stairs and into a bathroom. this happened at 3 am in the morning i was not happy with him the next day. he did survive tho
I had a large Crayfish escape once. He made it through the dining room, down the hall, and into the mud room. I found him inside the toe of one of my open-backed shoes. I think he was planning an ambush...LOL
I had a large Crayfish escape once. He made it through the dining room, down the hall, and into the mud room. I found him inside the toe of one of my open-backed shoes. I think he was planning an ambush...LOL

ewwww i wouldnt sleep lmfao :crazy:
Hatchets are notorious jumpers. You could try a covering of floating plants, but I fear it's in their genes to try to escape. I quite like them but I have an open-topped tank..............
i have had betta's jump several times before, but recently my heavily pregnant hi fin platy jumped out of the breeder but went the wrong way and ended up on the floor, she hasn't tried it again
I was thinking of getting some Hatchet Fish, I'm wondering whether to not bother now. :(

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