just got a 10 gallon tank

ohhh, and if you leave your light on, try to leave them on for 11-12 hours- when you wake up tell you go to sleep. i leave mine on all day. if you leave them on this long you should lower the tank temp. atleast to 74-75 degrees, the light will riast the tanks temp to about 78 in the day.
the tank looks really nice, once in lose's its new look I'am sure it will look even better. Some plant food will help your plants really flourish. I wouldn't get a chinese algae eater they can get large and turn aggresive, and soon stop eating algae. There is a pinned post in the catfish section about smaller pleco species.

All the best with your new tank.

David :fish:
hey I put my mirror behind the tank and they became more lively :)

is it normal?

that's a nice little tank Loveless, those fish look a bit like Black Widows/Phantoms. were they sold as a Tetra? i can't see them well, but if they're a bit round and flat (like a dollar) with big fins and a little black spot where their 'heart' would be, that's them ^^

can't wait to see your finished product, i'm sure it will be magnificent!
there seems to be a layer of grease floating in my tank... is this normal? I noticed that they start to develope after about a week of getting the tank and more seems to accumulate :/ is this normal?

by the way my room mate bought like 6 small fishes and dumped them into my tank when I specifically told her not to :-( and one of the fish is mean as hell, it likes to chase other fishes and now half of the fishes have a split tail. What should I do? this is my only tank and it's not fully cycled
the 'grease' you're seeing is normal in some tanks. in Betta tanks, for instance, and breeding tanks. there's no current to break the water, so oil floats to the surface and clings. perhaps adding something to break the water (an air stone buried in the gravel) would help. to get rid of it, just lay a paper towel on the water and voila; instantly gone!

as for the fish, take them back to the store. if you can't take them back, euthanise them. tell your roomie to stay the heck away from your tankl it's your little tank, your own little world, and you want it to be nice and perfect. you don't need disease or huge fish or mean fish or anything creeping around unless you want to put it there!
I went to the store and foudn out that mean fish is also a tetra

my other 3 tetra of differnet breed doesn't seem agreesive at all

I also made a purchase of water test and armonia turned out 1.0 and nitrate about 0.10 one of the gold fish my room mate threw in already died
Your roomate sounds like a real pain in-the-you-know-what :lol: . She also sounds like she's rather ignorant when it comes to fish. If you can't stop her from sticking her nose in your tank, maybe try to educate her, so you don't suffer from her ignorance. :D
dixaisy930 said:
Your roommate sounds like a real pain in-the-you-know-what :lol: . She also sounds like she's rather ignorant when it comes to fish. If you can't stop her from sticking her nose in your tank, maybe try to educate her, so you don't suffer from her ignorance. :D
Hi Loveless :)

I say it's time to start looking for a new roommate! :grr: What she did was not funny; it was not the thing any kind of a friend would do. :(

Here you are trying to control an environment and keep the chemicals in some kind of balance in order to cycle the tank and she deliberately sabotaged it.

Now you must be even more diligent with your testing and water changes. You can get through this if you're careful. But you will still have to deal with the mean fish. It's pretty important that you find out what kind of fish she put in there. In addition to being mean, there may be ones that will grow way too large for your tank or be otherwise unsuitable. If you find out what they are by name we can give you better advice about what you will need to do. Perhaps some will work out well for you. I hope so. :nod:

Also, keep an eye out for any fish that do not look well. If you think one is getting sick, do not hesitate to put it down for the good of the rest of them.

The ripped tail will probably heal. There is a product called StressCoat that will help.

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