Just For Fun


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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Just thought it might be fun for all the artists out there to share some of their creativity of drawing their tank inhabitants.
To kick it off here is an Australian Riffle Shrimp

And an Australian Chameleon Shrimp

And for the comedy section

Just threw this one together, i dont like to color lol this is my nandus nandus, or asian leaf fish.

Woops sorry about it being sideways :p
lol I love the ninja shrimp, its brightened my day
Those are some colorful drawings. I used to sketch out bettas all the time but I'm not sure if I have any of them left =(
Wow!  You're really good. :)  My fish drawings like more like deformed monsters. lol 
HAHA!! Diddlebug lol.
Mine aren't much better than yours diddles tbh
I'd show you a drawing... but I'm afraid it might scar you for life. ;)
OK the Ninja shrimp literally had me laughing out loud at work (my fault for browsing at work I suppose) I really wish that I could be creative and draw like that but unfortunately, it would appear that I have been blessed with two left hands when it comes to picking up a pencil or a crayon. 

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