Just For Fun

How's the female doing. She didn't look so good after the delivery, a little stessed and clamped. Keep a watch on her. The fry, on the other hand, look fabulous! Absolutely huge buggers! Makes me miss livebearers, I used to keep them. Great fish until I got into bettas.
I'm afraid she isn't doing real well. She is thin, we feed her 3 times a day, flake and dried blood worms with the occasional pea. I hope she recovers from this, she is one of my favorite fish.
I'm afraid she isn't doing real well. She is thin, we feed her 3 times a day, flake and dried blood worms with the occasional pea. I hope she recovers from this, she is one of my favorite fish.

Is she eating? If she is, then that's abviously a good thing. I think she'll get better, just a little stressed from carry all those babies IMO. Hope she does better.
She is eating and swimming, she is very thin through the mid section.
congrats man! I just bought guppies saturday and got 10 new fry!
Thanks everyone.
The mom is still thin and eating. The fry are growing well. I'll try and get a new picture up this weekend.

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