Just Bought Banjo Catfish...

I've just got myself one of these guys.. (£4).. when i got home there appeared to be a small white thing... looks quite like a pip or a seed... was wondering if this could be an egg? although im doubtful!
Forgive me.. ive been acting like a gluebag! haha, on closer inspection its a stone.. obviously been in the net when the guy at the store was catching it!
20 quid? is it very alrge or wat i dnt realli no about them but there only 3.60 for a 3 inch one wher ei live?
banjo catfish have been on my wish list for months but nobody in my area stocks them.My friend has one similar to yours and when i saw it i fell in love , so congrats and good luck fattening him up.[try mossi larve my friends one loves it]
Ok, I bought a fish, knew what it was, put it in my tank, and never saw it again for 3 months!!! found it under some bog wood! wondered what i was and its a Banjo Catfish!!! he is gorge and has doubled in size since i put him in the tank, we have nicknamed him Howard, after Howard Hughes the famous billionaire recluse!!! see if u can spot him!

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