Just Bought Another Tank Lol A 90 Litre


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
manchester england
hi people iv bought a new 90 ltr tank today and i was wondering what to do with it i already have a 200 ltr community tank which i love so i want to do a breeding tank and get some female guppies and put some of my male ones i already have in there or i want to start some thing new with different fish some exciting i already have in my 200 ltr guppies, mollies, tetra, harliquins, cat fish and a plec so would like some thing different so any ideas would help fellow fish people thanks :good:
wow these fish are gawjus ai will look into the upkeep of these and concider it thank you very much

:unsure: what else could i do people please help :unsure:
Kribs are another option similar to the one I gave earlier (African cichlid rather than South American)


If you're interested in cichlids just take a look for "dwarf cichlid" in google...The Apistogramma family of cichlids is quite vast, the cockatoos I first mentioned are just one strain

Other than cichlids and not repeating what you have already you could always go Marine instead of Tropical but more money is needed for live rock, keeping good circulation and water treatment (from what I've read)

What do you like? There is so much to choose you should really read through the fish profiles to get an idea...
what plec's do you have, have a look at breeding bristlenose plecs, nice and easy

my old breeding pair with some guppy fry


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