Just Bought A New Tank!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
I've been watching an aqua40 on eBay and just won it. I didn't want to pay more than £15, but I got carried away and put £20 :blush: That's never happened to me before.
I missed one the other day as my phone alarm didn't go off to remind me. It was a half hexagon and went for £6!
Anyway, I've got this one now. I've got a heater for it, but it's got no filter so need to think which will be best. Don't want a sponge one as I plan to use a bubble wall as part of the design.
It's 25 or 27l, depending which website you look at. Footprint is 33x30cm. I want to keep a betta in it and was hoping to have a shoal of pygmy cories too. Would this be big enough?
Thanks for the reply. I'm not going to bother with the cories unless I can have a shoal-at least 5-6.
Tank is a pick-up. I'm not getting it yet though as there's another the same going tomorrow night in the same area, so I'll see if I win that, then I can get them both and save petrol :good:
Thanks forestpisces :) I think I'll get him settled and then see about adding some.
Just trying to think of names for them. For the white one, I have nimue, a celtic moon goddess and kymook, thai for pearl.
Only idea I have for the mg one is sammy. This is the name of the mansfield town fc mascot, sammy the stag, and their colours are yellow and blue. Might make H a bit more receptive?
Hmmm, or maybe dijon...that could work.
Sorry, I don't have one. I've asked the website lady to send them to me as they've been removed from the site now I've bought them.
Sorry, got 2 threads on the go atm :blush: Here's the tank
I think I got a bargain! Just picked it up and it's very substantial. 1 betta is going to be positively rattling around it :good:
It doesn't have the curved corners of the pic above though, although it is definitely labelled aqua 40. Maybe it's an old model?
Loads of extras with it too-I'm going to have loads of fun setting it up :D

Think it is an older model-it's this one, with the black corners and curved front
so where does the 'its huge' come into it? its 40L, i have a bucket i do w/c's in thats 40L.
but it does look quite a modern design i have to admit!
i also wonder how its huge, my 130 gallon just seems 'big' to me now.

are you from mansfield town, ellena?
Haha I was kinda confused too. My qt tank and wc bucket (trashcan) are bigger.

Regardless, it should look great! Hope you have fun with it.
it is for a betta :rolleyes: so its big for a betta, never mind what your buckets are like!

i think bragging isnt what ellena wants, i'm chuffed for ya hun :D

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