just another question about my girl


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
well, i made a post a couple weeks ago about my girl betta being with my guy.....

update: he started to rip her fins a little, so i put her in her own tank. the entire time she was with the guy, she was either dark in color or had very obvious vertical stripes. the only time she went horizontal in there was when i suddenly turned my bedroom light on or something. but she was back to vertical in no time. but now that i have her in her own tank (she's been there since last week) she will not come out of horizontal! i've put her with my other, more gentle guy dragon, but since he doesn't fight girls, she ended up picking on him....but the entire time she was with him, she still had horizontal stripes.

in fact, the only time i've seen her without these stripes is when she is with the guy that is abusing her!!! is there any OTHER way to get rid of them stripes???
Have you tried leaving her alone in a warm container away from any other fish? Sometimes after a few days the stripes go away, I have a female who's just like that.
thats what i'm doing now...and thats what i've been doing for the last week. and for a while when i first got her.....but none of that time did her horizontal stripes go away.
not really....the only lighted tank i have is on the opposite side of the dresser. any light in my room either comes from the window mostly in the morning, or when i turn my light on, which is in the middle of the ceiling.
yeah my old betta, Mr. Fishy, had vertical stripes ALL the time. He was just a timid fish. The Only time he didn't have stripes was when he was alone in the dark...Don't worry, it's just stress. Hpefully he'll get over it...
your GUY had vertical stripes??? i don't think thats very common....especially since vertical means *horny* on girls.....horizontal is the stress sine....not vertical...well, at least i've never heard of it like that.

the betta i'm talkin bout right now is a girl :p and she's not even timid....i think i just have wierd girls.....gawd, you should hear about my other girl! she makes bubblenests, hates all guys, shakes her tail at any guy she see's, and is just soo dang aggresive! all of those are guy traits...yet, i can't seem to get her to believe me :rolleyes:
in fact, the only time i've seen her without these stripes is when she is with the guy that is abusing her!!!

some girls just like it rough :hey: lol jk .... i had a female betta once and she had horizontal stripes from teh day i got her to the day i gave her to my GF .. still does actually but it doesnt seem like shes stressed ... she swims around normal and doesnt show any sign of aggressive behaviour to the other fish in the tank .. she has all her colour as well so i have a similiar deal as you but i dont know
odd.....i wonder why that is.

her body is normally a real dark red or blackish color....i've only seen it when she's with sunset. any other time the only color is her white body, and her black stripes....thats how pale she is. except for a red rim on her tail.

would anyone reccomend i put her back with the guy?
you could try .. just find a divider of some sort so they can see each other and he cant get at her to attack if thats what he was trying .. they'll eventually get used to each other .. if not you might want to try another male (1 that isnt to aggressive)
i have one VERY non-aggresive towards girls male. he is so ignorant towards females that he LET one of my girls who escaped into his area kick his @$$....badly(he's ok now :D ). well, this little girl was in with that non-aggresive guy for a while....till i saw her nip at him a couple times.

i can't really divide the tank all that well, cuz then i'd have 3 white cloud minnows crammed on one side...i don't think they'd like me very much. lol.

but i DO have a floating breeder thing....maybe i could put her in that with him? i could put the girl thats already in it in the tank that the striped girl is in.....kind of a trade sort of thing. but this would greatly reduce the room she has to wander around......any thoughts?
you want to put a male and female together in a tiny breeder net? did i read that correctly? if so, NO WAY!

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