Jurassic Terrier


Gun Toting Lunatic
Sep 30, 2003
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Anyone remember the part of the movie Jurassic Park, where the programmer steals the dinosaur eggs, and tries escaping with them? He slips in the rain soaked mud, and comes face to face with what at first appears to be a docile, cute dinosaur;


Then, something apparently sets this cute little dinosaur off, which becomes much less cute, and actually quite fearsome;


My son, waving a sock over my head, set this guy off. He can get such a nasty look to him, when he actually is one of the most friendly dogs I have ever owned.
lol, nice one Tolak! I thought it was funny when the man got eaten of the Toliet in Jarassic Park! But that was too funny. I love your little terrier!!!! What's his name?
His name is Kazimeras, he's a 9 1/2 month old Australian Terrier. We first noticed this breed a few years back at the dog show, and began some research. This is a yearly AKC show, in fact it is back this weekend.
:lol: photo Tolak, looks like the devil incarnate!!
Can I just ask where the name comes from and what it means? It's very unusual but I like it.
Kazimeras is the Lithuanian version of Casimir, meaning famous/great destroyer. So far he has destroyed a couple of stuffed squeakies, pulled a little stuffing from his bed, he really only chews up things he is allowed to. Smoked pork bones are a favorite, for a 15 pound dog he has teeth nearly the size of the ones my Mom's 45 pound Siberian Husky has.

He doesn't have a mean or aggressive spirit at all, he visits at the local nursing home about once a month. I'm sure he has no idea how big his teeth are, or how strong of a bite he has, he gets a good sounding crunch out of rib bones. He's a rather long dog, with a long muzzle to house all those teeth;

He doesn't have a mean or aggressive spirit at all, he visits at the local nursing home about once a month.

I'm glad to hear you decided to utilize him as a therapy dog, he certainly is a cutie. :wub:
Kazimeras is the Lithuanian version of Casimir, meaning famous/great destroyer. So far he has destroyed a couple of stuffed squeakies, pulled a little stuffing from his bed, he really only chews up things he is allowed to. Smoked pork bones are a favorite, for a 15 pound dog he has teeth nearly the size of the ones my Mom's 45 pound Siberian Husky has.

He doesn't have a mean or aggressive spirit at all, he visits at the local nursing home about once a month. I'm sure he has no idea how big his teeth are, or how strong of a bite he has, he gets a good sounding crunch out of rib bones. He's a rather long dog, with a long muzzle to house all those teeth;

Thanks Tolak, name suits him looking at those photos. Bet he has really puppy dog eyes when it suits! :wub:

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