The Miser's Guide To Fishkeeping

Good stuff, DrRob! I'm as cheap as they come, and a lot of this I'll put to good use. I'm still working on raising my own food. Funny thing ... a couple years ago I had a piece of driftwood soaking in my rain barrel outside. When I pulled it out it was covered with bloodworms. Unfortunately, this was before I even knew about bloodworms!!! I cleaned the darn thing off! Guess I'll know better next time!
And by the way, I did try the yeast/sugar CO2 system for a while. I might try it again, actually. I had been turned off by everyone telling me that unstable CO2 causes BBA and thought I might be doing more harm than good, but the more I study the more I might try it again.
Thanks for this post!
I'm still pondering attaching the home brew to the tank, seems such a waste to let the CO2 bubble off through the airlock.
Doesn't work so well with beer as it tends to gas out fairly rapidly at stages.
Mead however seems to bubble fairly slowly and constantly for a sensible length of time.
Honey, water, yeast.....wait.
K1 media its £3.33 per litre Ehiem subtrat is like £15.00 per litre big price difference does the same job1



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