July Pet of the Month

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Thanks Angel_lady for taking the time to put all of this together...esp with how much bickering is going on.

I think that the title of it says it all: "Pet of the Month" not "My Pet of the Month." IMO it's silly to compare the lions and elephatns at the zoo, because they are not pets. Now, I do know someone who has a pet tiger...*runs off to snap photo*...There is really a grey area here. What if a teenage member has a photo of a cat that their parent bought for themsleves. Technically it is mom's or dad's cat, but we aren't going to split hairs that way, so who care. This is suppossed to be fun; that's all. I feel that as long as it is someone's pet, it should qualify.

Good luck to all of the noms!
Me too blackangel, Ferrets are my favorite. and they get my vote everytime..Thanks for the kind words everyone. I just wanted this to be fun. And a chance for the pets to be noticed because they are special to just like our fish. I hope everyone can see my point of view on this situation. And stop all the bickering and fussing at each other... I think that is enough said on the entire subject. I will come to a desicion as soon as I talk to William about the prizes and the rules...I want everyone to be happy about the contest and stop all this other stuff and get back to the way things were when the contest first began...
finally voted...I chose Jasper in the end. It's a gorgeous photo and I did nominate this picture originally (I think :S ...well if I didn't it was cos it had 2 already anyway :))
:lol: why would I possibly be mad because my cat scares you ? :rofl:
I've had all sorts of comments and "abuse" about him since the day I got him as a kitten, so after 5 years I'm well used to it ;)
For anyone that has the pleasure to have met him, they will know he is the biggest soppiest attention seeking and love giving purr maching alive. He's my baby and that's all that matters to me :D
I LOVE Shaka. What a gorgeous regal looking cat and actually to me he looks like a right luvvykins.

What I want to say is what an awesome calendar worthy set of pet photos. Whoever took them, I'm jealous! :cool:

I think if we keep it simple...the photo gets nominated and seconded, it's in the contest...then that's enough. Why wrangle? Also, since our hard working hosts aren't perfect I can see the odd photo slipping past them. That's all cool, I couldn't do their jobs.

Of course now that you've mentioned elephants and rhinos, you DO realize I'm going to have to go look for pictures of PET elephants and rhinos???? :rofl:

I voted for the pug...but what GREAT pics! High fives to all who entered and I can't wait to see the next batch! :hyper:
bloozoo2 said:
:lol: why would I possibly be mad because my cat scares you ? :rofl:
I've had all sorts of comments and "abuse" about him since the day I got him as a kitten, so after 5 years I'm well used to it ;)
For anyone that has the pleasure to have met him, they will know he is the biggest soppiest attention seeking and love giving purr maching alive. He's my baby and that's all that matters to me :D

its just your cat looks like its about to like kill something or have a demon burst out of its back in the picture.
Dangerousdan said:
:D All fantastic so im not voting :p

Go cast your vote every vote counts.. Who know you might be in the lead next month on your pets and you might need one vote for yours to win.. :lol: :hey: :hey: Just a thought..
Ok they have been some changes in this contest. Which consist of Due to so many pets this month I had to make three seperate threads. So in another two days this one will close and I will leave the other two open for ten days. And I will be taking the top three out of each heat and they will be runned for ten days also. Then we will have the winner. If someone dont understand what I am doing feel free to pm me and I will fill you in. I am sorry for this but I was just thinking about the people who have dial up commections. This makes it rough for them to vote with so many pictures downloading. I would like to wish everyone good luck,,,
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