Rate shimmer now she is starting to colour up...still got her baby bars
shes about 2months i think
Just to let you know, don't think I'm having a go because I'm not

- she's definitely not 2 months, she's nearly fully grown! And the bars aren't "baby bars", they're stress bars - something's causing her not too be happy, but its probably because she's having a photo taken, some betta's go "oooh WHAT is THAT" when you put a camera up to them hehe. And she'll appear to be colouring up because when she's not stressed[with those bars], her colour won't be washed out so you'll see her flourish.
She's got lovely colouring in her fins though, nice dark red and blue
And Heather, oodles of love to Charlie - he's absolutely stunning. Never seen a VT in those colours/marbling personally

10/10 as his fins are just lovely and flowing as well.