Kia Ora
Not long now. 
Your eyes are amazing.....such a bright blue.
Your eyes are amazing.....such a bright blue.
Re: Sleeping in your bed, I would not advise this as as well as what you have stated it can cause separation anxiety whereby the pup destroys things when left alone. She needs to learn to spend time alone early on or you could find you are in trouble. Separation anxiety is very sad and can be difficult to manage depending on the severity. So personally, I would not have her with you in bed, as then she will learn to spend time alone i.e. sleeping. It will also make her more manageable to take to places, as if she only knows to sleep with you this becomes an issue for you when visiting friends or hotels who do not want the dog in the room. As you will hopefully have her for 15 years+ you will not know at this stage where you may be in the future and require her to be adaptable.Bluesand1313 said:@RCA: I'm planning on sleeping with her in my bed. I know, it's discouraged, but I'll make sure that she doesn't get jealous if anybody comes over.
Last visit I brought a stuffed animal that will get the scent of her brothers and sisters on it, as well as it has the scent of my other animals on it so they can sniff it. We will be bringing that back with us when we take her, so that'll be her reminder of her mother and siblings.
I came to it online, I was searching, searching, coming up with bad results, and then somebody said; "How about Piper" and it just kinda stuck with me and my mother.
I used to have it on my profile... I might have deleted in by accident. I live in British Columbia, Canada.
@Mamashack: Thanks you!
Thanks for the tip, and I will!You're puppy sounds cute too.![]()
People I would take advice from re: training are Ian Dunbar, John Rogerson (his books maybe out of print now), John Fisher (he trained a GSD from the Police force with positive motivational training and wrote a book on it, sadly he died early from Cancer), Karen Pryor (a Dolphin Trainer originally, suggest you read "Don't Shoot the Dog"), Terry Ryan, Julie Bedford, Gwen Bailey, there are others but they are good for startersBluesand1313 said:I've got the Episode special of that Cesar Milan book, and I've watched it twice now, and it's still saved to our PVR.![]()
There are a few things that I don't agree with (ex: the taps to the side, forcing the dog to lie down) but some of his things work wonders, like his putting a foot or stick out in front of a dog while walking to keep them from going in front of you. I've done it with the worst of pullers (I used to be a dog walker) and after a while, they all caught on and got it, both big and small dogs!
I'm going to train her myself. I really don't want to sound uh, what's the word? Obnoxious? But, I'm pretty smart when it comes to animals, and I always do my research (though anything helps!). So I've got all that ready to go![]()
Yes, we have a vet, and for food, we are getting natural something. I want to get her Wilderness or Blue, but my moms says that while she's paying for it, it has to be the cheapest natural stuff out there. I think it's called Natural Selection? Idk, I can't remember![]()
Why not PTP for Perfect Timing Pup? I knew someone who once had a cat called JT = Just CatBluesand1313 said:@Mamashack: When I read yours, I started crying! Your post made me realize that I can now count down the days on my fingers, and I guess I got really happy.. xD
I live in Canada, so I guess it's close to USA.. but I'm not American. I'm Canadian![]()
And I'm usually up until 1-2 in the morning, cause I'm tired in the morning and a night owl at night, so I'm not tired unless I watch tv.
@attibones: A middle name? Never thought of that for any of my pets. Maybe if she gets a nickname... Sparkles, my cat, we call her Stinky Butt because once she butt-scootched across the carpet. My mom was freaking out but I was laughing really hard xD So we call her Sparkles Stinky Butt.
I was going to say Perfect-Timing Pup (because she was born and will be ready to go home at exactly the time we need, hence Perfect-Timing Pup.) but that's too long for a nickname.
As I said for Mamashack, I'm from Canada. I've seen a couple of me look-alikes, even my best friend and I can pass for sisters, we look exactly alike. :3