Just a quick update on our latest purchases.
At the weekend we got some Green Star Polyps and some shrooms...well more like a bit of live rock with a couple of shrooms on it in fact, although we got it for a fair price so can't complain.
When I got the shroom rock home I got out the hammer and chisel again and split it. Firstly it was quite a bit bit and secondly the shrooms (about 5 of them) were scattered around the rock. I did the same with the Green Stars as the rock was quite large.
That's one of the things I never appreciated when starting the nano. We got about as much live rock as we could fit in there (about 7.5k) but every coral we get sits on it's own rock. we must have 9k + of rock in there now and will still need to put more in. If (when) I start a larger tank I will place a minimal amount of live rock and stock it slowly to allow for this I think.
The other option is to go totally for frags and just wait for them to develop.
Because though we have 2 rocks of Xenias, Green stars and shrooms (the result of splitting) I will probably get rid of one of each or use it to stock our larger tank as and when.
Here is the Green Star Polyps
and the Shrooms
After all that happened with our starfish, would you believe that the live rock that came with the shrooms is festooned with mini brittlestars. They apparently rarely, if ever leave their rock though and will just be visible as threads hanging from the rock. You can see them in the first picture.
We also got something else on the shroom rock (shown just above and to the left of the shroom in the second picture). It kind of looks like a xenia but not quite and I've yet to id it.
I just had to get a couple of quick shots of Luke (the shrimp) skywalker. Every time I put my hand in the tank he uses it as his own personal plaything. In this case I was just readjusting one of the shroom rocks and BAM he was straight there. On top of that the clown had his usual dig at my arm.
It strikes me that these creatures must get incredibly bored if my appendages provide so much fascination for them!
Sorry about the flash on this one
We should start a thread on marine occupants interactions with their carers...should be quite an interesting read I would think!
Crazyfishes, I shouldn't get too excited about my coraline as you can see it in the first shroom pic above and slightly left of the rock...it is miniscule
Still, from little acorns... they say.
Anyway, talking about upgrading tanks, we have a spare Juwel Vision 180 bow front tank (180ltr 40Gall UK) that I'm considering adapting to marine. I would have to completely modify it for lighting, protein skimmer etc and would have to tear the base apart to fit a sump in there. I'm still undecided as to whether it's cheaper to do this or to simply splash out on a second hand RSM or similar. The one thing that does appeal about the Vision 180 is that because it is a 3' tank I could get a reasonably sized sump in the base.
Opinions/options welcomed.
We would like this to be a reef tank but with a slightly better mix of fish. I know the tank will be hopelessly small for my other halfs favourite fish the picasso triggers, and tangs and such, it would be nice though to see a couple of larger specimens in there, so suggestions there would be welcome as well. This is another case for the 180 over the RSM I suppose...more swimming room.